Our very own Ben Bauer joined us to share some information about Rotary Fellowships! Rotary Fellowships are local & International groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience. Learn more here.
Got a Hobby? There's a Rotary Fellowship for That!
Benjamin Bauer
2024-08-22 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Resources |

Samantha Szynskie, Community Life Developer from ODC leads the Better Together program which is now ready to start expanding into the Wisconsin Rapids and Marshfield areas.They match adults with disabilities with volunteers to from inclusive friendships in our communities. It is a similar model to Big Brothers Big Sisters, but the friends can get together around a more flexible and fun schedule. Samantha's hope is that by sharing about this program and volunteer opportunity, people might be encouraged to join as a volunteer or that organizations would like to host or sponsor an event for the Better Together friends. Samantha's main goal was to educate our group on the Better Together program so that we can talk about it with other people in the community to increase awareness of inclusion and grow support for advocating for people with disabilities. More info is available here.
Better Together - ODC
Benjamin Bauer
2024-08-01 05:00:00Z |
Business Update |

Amy Croston, a member of the Human Resources team at Weinbrenner shared the history of the company and some updates on where they're going. Check out all the great history in her slide deck and even more awesome information at their websites. weinbrennerusa.com thorogoodusa.com
Thorogood & Weinbrenner - History Made in the USA
Benjamin Bauer
2024-06-20 05:00:00Z |
Business Update |
Visit Marshfield Update
Benjamin Bauer
2024-06-13 05:00:00Z |
Business Update,City of Marshfield,Growing Local Economies |
It was a great time planting 140 trees in Braem Park with the 4th graders in honor of Arbor Day. Thanks to the City of Marshfield, Jenny King and Mark Ryskiewicz for your coordination! Read more to check out the rest of the photos.
140 Trees Planted in Braem Park!
Benjamin Bauer
2024-05-03 05:00:00Z |
City of Marshfield,Club Service,Protecting the Environment |

Last week's service project was assembling May Day baskets with a mental health focus for Marshfield Area Coalition for Youth (MACY). Hundreds of baskets were assembled and will be delivered throughout Marshfield and the surrounding area. Thanks to everyone who helped!
Marshfield Rotary packs MACY May Day Baskets
Benjamin Bauer
2024-04-25 05:00:00Z |
Club News,Club Service |

Avenues, Committees, ClubRunner, oh my! Looking to learn a bit about all the leaders and groups that make our club tick? Check out this recording of a meeting where each Avenue and Committee Chair introduces what they do, how they help the club and how you can get involved. Check out the video here!
Club Operations and Information
Benjamin Bauer
2024-04-18 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Shannon and Toni Nienast gave an update on the 2024 Feed My Starving Children Marshfield Mobile Pack. They're a little over halfway to their fundraising goal and have a great event taking shape wioth lots of participation from local businesses, schools, students and volunteers. Wondering what Feed My Starving Children is? It's simple! People just like you donate funds for the meal ingredients, volunteers hand-pack the meals, meals are donated to FMSC food partners around the world, and kids are fed and lives are saved! Get more info, volunteer or donate here!
Feed My Starving Children - Marshfield
Benjamin Bauer
2024-04-11 05:00:00Z |
Education,Global Projects,Saving Mothers & Children |

Tara Mannigel gave presentation that touched on different leadership styles including an assessment on how to determine yours. Whether a leaders style is Transactional, Transformational, or Servant, they bring a different value to the teams and organizations they lead. Check out Tara's presentation for more info. Thanks for the great information, Tara!
Leadership Style with Tara Mannigel
Benjamin Bauer
2024-04-04 05:00:00Z |

Dr. Bruce Krawisz detailed the findings of a study that outlined the largest threats to the US Army posed by climate change. The report is available online and includes a summary. He also referenced a two websites to check out for more information on climate change. This website has a searchable database of climate change effects on public health outcomes: www.lancetcountdown.org. And, this website has understandable information and graphics on climate change impacts at local levels: www.climatecentral.org.
Implications of Climate Change for the US Army - War College Study
Benjamin Bauer
2024-03-21 05:00:00Z |
Protecting the Environment |

Joseph Luther, Junior Achievement of WI, is the Development Coordinator for Portage and Wood Counties. Junior Achievement is the nation's largest organization dedicated to giving young people the skills and knowledge needed for their economic success, plan for their future, and make smart economic and academic choices. They help kids use what they learn in school with what is possible in every day life. Learn more at the Junior Achievement website.
Joseph Luther Junior Achievement of WI
Peggy Sue Behselich
2024-03-14 05:00:00Z |
Supporting Education |

Joanne Greenlee, LCSW, MSW is the District Mental Health Navigator/Coordinator at the School District of Marshfield and she brought some students to share how MCLA is a student group that helps youth take an active role to positively impact school issues such as mental health, substance use and bullying.
MCLA (Marshfield Columbus Leadership Alliance)
Peggy Sue Behselich
2024-03-12 05:00:00Z |
Supporting Education |

Mandi Chojnacki shared her story with Marshfield Rotary and her Master Resilience Training (MRT) certification that is based on six core competencies; Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Optimism, Mental Agility, Strength of Character and Connection. Mandi is a mother of one an Army veteran and help started the Secret Snow Shoveling Society. Check out her presentation here!
Resilience with Mandi Chojnacki
Benjamin Bauer
2024-02-27 06:00:00Z |
Health |
The Marshfield Rotary Club has been recognized as a ShelterBox HERO for Rotary Year 2023-2024. ShelterBox is a global organization made up of people who believe in shelter as a human right – that shelter from the chaos of disaster and conflict is vital. Sunrise Rotary has made contributions for many years to the ShelterBox cause of providing shelter and basic needs to people around the world affected by natural disasters and other causes of displacement. Rotary joins other international agencies in providing immediate relief to disaster survivors through our partnership with ShelterBox and mobilizing our expertise to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts. – Gary C.K. Huang, 2014-15 Rotary International President
ShelterBox's has provided shelter to 2.2 million people since 2000. For more information, please visit www.shelterboxusa.org
Marshfield Rotary Recognized for Support of ShelterBox
Ben Bauer
2024-02-08 06:00:00Z |
Global Projects |
James (Jim) D. Murdock, CCP Emeritus joined the club to present the unique topic of "Perfusion During Open Heart Surgery". "A "Perfusionist" is a person, qualified by academic and clinical education, to operate the extracorporeal circulation equipment during any medical situation where it is necessary to support or replace a person's cardiopulmonary, circulatory, or respiratory function." Check out his slide deck for all the amazing technology and terminology related to the field. Caution: there are some photos of surgical operations in the slides.
Perfusion During Open Heart Surgery
Katie Officer
2024-02-01 06:00:00Z |
Health |

Self-titled ClubRunner Extraordinaire, Ben Bauer updated the club on some new features in ClubRunner and refreshed the group on some best practices for logging in, updating your information, and how to make sure club emails are being delivered. Check out the slide deck to walk through any of that info at your own pace. As always, feel free to contact Ben if there are any ClubRunner questions. Here's the link to the Zoom recording. (Passcode: OG$6DC=5)
ClubRunner Update with Ben
Benjamin Bauer
2024-01-25 06:00:00Z |
Club News |
Kathryn Halverson, Executive Director, American Red Cross North Central Wisconsin Chapter shared a great program with an emphasis on the need for community members to donate blood (good news, you can sign up to donate at our blood drive). The Red Cross offers so many services and different kinds of support from disaster relief to important training. Area organizations are encouraged to reach out to the local Red Cross chapter as they can help with hands-on training and certification for CPR courses.
Kathryn Halverson - American Red Cross
Benjamin Bauer
2024-01-15 06:00:00Z |
Education,Nonprofits |

Marshfield Young Professionals helps connect the new and developing workforce (18-40) and encourages them to interact socially, exchange ideas, share common interests, learn more about the local business community, and engage in the community’s future. Throughout the year we host socials, volunteer opportunities, as well as educational and personal development events. Past events have included a tour of Nasonville Dairy, pot planting class at Mill Creek Gardens, Volunteering at Empty Bowls, and so on. Check out this flyer with their upcoming Quarterly Events! For more information, or to sign up visit this link.
Growing Within Our Community - MYP
Alex Lendved
2024-01-04 06:00:00Z |
City of Marshfield,Growing Local Economies,Nonprofits |

Mainstreet Marshfield is hoping to partner with Marshfield Rotary and District 6250 on a matching grant for the National Fitness Campaign (NFC). NFC operates on a mission to build healthy communities across America in partnership with the country's largest healthcare providers. Founded in 1979, NFC has been helping people live more active and healthy lives across the country for over 40 years, and has evolved into America's largest public-private partnership in support of outdoor wellness. NFC develops partnerships with municipalities, schools and other organizations nationwide to fund, build, promote and activate a comprehensive community wellness campaign, based around the Fitness Court, the world's best outdoor gym designed for free use by any one at any age and fitness level. In addition to the Fitness Court, the campaign delivers healthy city design and consulting services, grant funding, digital programming and tools, ambassador resources, and public relations initiatives to encourage Americans everywhere to walk, jog, cycle, and exercise more outdoors every day. Our proposal requests $5,000 in funding from the Clubs to be matched with our $5,000 and then by the District to obtain support for completion of the project. We have already received grant funding of $55,000 towards the $180,000 completion costs, which have been outlined in the proposal. We appreciate you taking an interest in supporting the health and wellbeing of community members of all ages through this exciting program. Questions? Want to get involved? Contact Marsha Bushman at 715.650.1578.
National Fitness Campaign
Benjamin Bauer
2023-10-19 05:00:00Z |
Health |

Danielle & Al Nystrom joined the club this morning to present some info and opportunities for Season 18 of Rotary Winter Wonderland. The final slide of the Powerpoint Danielle shared has some items that she could use some assistance with for this season. Here is a document with a description of those roles. We will meet at Wildwood Park & Zoo in the Ludwig building on October 12th at Noon. We'll get a "tour" and an example of some of the work that needs to be done from hanging lights to organizing the Ludwig building for operations. If you're interested in any volunteer role, or know someone who is, please email volunteerrww@gmail.com.
Season 18 of Rotary Winter Wonderland!
Ben Bauer
2023-10-05 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Winter Wonderland |
Linda Roehrborn joined Sunrise Rotary this morning to share information about her business, Discovery Education Station. She created it to share her passion for Planet Earth through environmental, science, technology, engineering, art, agriculture and math education and the promotion of responsible stewardship and healthy living. Linda brought some guests to help share the story of all the great programs, camps education and events that Discovery provides for all ages. Check out her slide deck to learn more about the business. To find out more, including info about upcoming classes and activities, check out their facebook page. Thanks for joining us Linda!
Discovery Education Station with Linda Roehrborn
Ben Bauer
2023-09-14 05:00:00Z |
Business Update |

We welcomed former Rotarian Marsha Bushman for her presentation about Wildflower Health. Marsha shared some impactful stories about how Wildflower is helping deliver personalized experiences that activate women in their own care, while simplifying the healthcare journey for families with a modular model of human touch and digital tools. Their platform provides personalized support, education, and resources to enhance maternal and child health outcomes. Check out the rest of Marsha's presentation here.
Wildflower Health with Marsha Bushman
Benjamin Bauer
2023-08-24 05:00:00Z |
Business Update,Saving Mothers & Children |

Linda DeVetter-Dearborn, the daughter of our very own Roberta DeVetter presented on an interesting topic: Neurodiversity, the idea that all brains are different (and that's okay!). Jam packed with lots of information about autism, using labels, masking, and how to accommodate and support all kinds of people - if you missed this week's meeting, you missed out! Fear not! You can check out her slide deck and get a lot of great information. Thanks for joining us Linda!
Neurodiversity with Linda DeVetter-Dearborn
Benjamin Bauer
2023-08-10 05:00:00Z |
Education,Health |
This week Darla Leick presented a program on how Rotarians can utilize Rotary programs and contacts to access safe and exciting international travel. Topics included Rotary Friendship Exchange, Rotary’s International Travel & Hosting Fellowship, and how she made contact with a Rotarian from Kathmandu, Nepal who assisted her in her personal travel plans that included guided sightseeing, trekking in the Annapurna region, and a safari in Chitwan National Park. Mary Treichel also had wonderful things to say about her experience assisting with hosting the Chileans on the recent Rotary Friendship Exchange and encouraged the club to host if a future opportunity becomes available. The PowerPoint is available here and feel free to get in touch with Darla if you have questions or just want to talk travel!
Travel the Rotary Way
Darla Leick
2023-08-03 05:00:00Z |
Friendship Exchange,Rotary District 6250 |
Sarah Chy presented an eyeopening program with excellent data about the challenges facing ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households. "As Circumstances change, households may find themselves below or above the ALICE Threshold at different times. While the COVID-19 pandemic brought employment shifts, health struggles, and school/business closures in 2021, it also spurred unprecedented public assistance through pandemic relief measures." As these resources seize to exist, ALICE households find themselves in a more difficult place. See all the data here: https://unitedforalice.org/wisconsin
United for ALICE
Sarah Chy
2023-07-20 05:00:00Z |
Education,Health,Nonprofits |
State Patrol Officer Chris Zawislan joined Marshfield Rotary this week to share some great information about the process of becoming a State Patrol Officer and what a "typical" week looks like (hint, no week is "typical"). Between traffic patrol to ushering dignitaries that need extra protection and everything in between, being a State Patrol Officer is full of variety and adventure. Thanks Chris for joining us. We appreciate you and all that local law enforcement does to keep our communities safe!
A Week in the Life of a State Patrol Officer with Officer Chris Zawislan
MaryAnn Lippert
2023-07-14 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
A friendly reminder that there is no meeting July 6th! Hope you've had a great holiday!
Reminder: No Meeting This Week
2023-07-05 05:00:00Z |
Last week's meeting included the Passing of the Gavel from our 2022-2023 board members... Read on to see more!
Highlights from Last Week
2023-06-19 05:00:00Z |
Club News,Rotary Winter Wonderland |
Remember & Honor our Veterans
2023-05-26 05:00:00Z |
Paul treated Rotarians with Champagne Cake made by 2 1/2 Cups in honor of his 20th anniversary at Prevail Bank. It was delicious! Happy Anniversary, Paul!
Happy Anniversary, Paul!
2023-05-26 05:00:00Z |
Rotarian Jane Wagner shared some photos from the Feed My Starving Children set-up event where many Rotarians & community members volunteered. For a few more photos of the set-up crew click through to the rest of the story!
Rotarians Help at Feed My Starving Children Event
2023-04-23 05:00:00Z |
Club Service |
Rotarian Sarah Chy from Marshfield Area United Way shared the Volunteer Reception Center Training being offered by Marshfield Area United Way, Wood County Emergency Management, and United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties. What is a Volunteer Reception Center? The Volunteer Reception Center team is trained to take spontaneous volunteers responding to an emergency like a natural disaster or missing person and turn them into an efficient workforce by pairing them with the best volunteer positions for their skill set. This training is an easy way to contribute to the community -- for a relatively small time investment, you are trained, ready, and able to respond and help in a moment where our community may be in greatest need and help to organize volunteers to maximize their effectiveness. Participants in this training will learn what a volunteer reception center is and why they are used, how to get one up and running, and what their roles are as volunteers within the VRC. The training session will be from 5:00 pm until 6:30pm and will be held at the Forward Bank Community Room in the lower level of Forward Bank in Marshfield. Dinner will be provided, courtesy of Pizza Ranch. Sarah & the rest of the United Way crew hopes to see you there!
Volunteer Reception Center Training
2023-04-17 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
We were happy to induct a new member at this past week's meeting. Welcome, Toni Chacon and thank you to her sponsor Shannon Neinast!
Welcome Toni!
2023-04-10 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Uptown Coffee was the site of the 5th Thursday Social Hour for our Rotary club last week! In months with five Thursdays, in lieu of a regular meeting the last week of the month Marshfield Rotary has been meeting at Uptown Coffee for morning coffee & casual conversation. Many thanks to the organizers and attendees -- it is always a fun time! For those who were not able to attend, we hope you can join us next time!
Rotary Coffee Social!
2023-03-31 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Did you know that: - 1 in 3 families in Wood County are considered at or near the poverty level
- Average diapering costs have increased 20% in the last 2 years
- State and federal assistance does not help with diaper and other basic baby needs
Join Rotary sponsored Leadership Marshfield participant Sarah Chy & her team as they work to help families in need by holding a Community Baby Shower! The team will be collecting basic baby items and distributing them to 6 area agencies that provide direct services to families. The collection drive will be taking place from April 3rd through the 14th. Items being collected include diapers, wipes, pull-ups, bottles, sippy cups, gender-neutral onesies & sleepers as well as some larger items like car seats & playpens. There are 14 collection locations around town including the Marshfield Area United Way office at 612 W Blodgett St. Click through for more details & for links to online registries, wishlists, & how to make a monetary donation!
Community Baby Shower
2023-03-31 05:00:00Z |
Leadership Marshfield |
Club Social!
2023-03-27 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Jackie Zoellner has put together and shared the Home Delivered Meals schedule for the next 4 months. In addition to the usual disbursement of this information, we will post it here in a story on ClubRunner in list form (see below) as well as enter the dates into the calendar on ClubRunner to help make this information readily accessible.
Home Delivered Meals Schedule
2023-03-24 05:00:00Z |
Club Service |
The Marshfield Rotary Club signed up to participate in the Feed My Starving Children mobile pack event on Thursday, April 20th from 6-8 pm at Zion Methodist Church. The Marshfield goal is to pack over 120,000 meals which costs $37,000. Please consider joining our team by emailing Jane Wagner, wagfam282@gmail.com or texting 715-223-7669. This International Avenue service project is fun-filled and rewarding. Mark your calender and sign-up today. If you aren't able to attend, you may wish to make a donation toward the cost of the meals. Thank you!
Volunteer Opportunity!
2023-03-17 05:00:00Z |
On Saturday, several Rotarains volunteered to distribute Rotary Passports to children attending the Marshfield Cultural Fair. Rotary has a history of participating in this wonderful community event and it was great to see the Cultural Fair back in-person. This event is a great way to promote not only Rotary's global mission, but also our local presence in the community. Volunteers included: Laura Kostock-Ganshirt, Jane Wagner, Laurel Peterson, Mandy Sondelski, Tara Mannigel and Becky Huebner-Leau. A special thank you to Jackie Zoellner for arranging the event and Darla Leick for set-up. It was an enjoyable combination of service, entertainment and delicious food throughout the day!
Rotarians Volunteer at the Cultural Fair
2023-02-27 06:00:00Z |
Club Service |
 Dave Valle reports that the Marshfield Rotary Foundation received a donation for $120 recently. First Impressions Dentistry selected our Foundation as their "Cause of the Day" and presented this check in honor of Al Nystrom. Thank you First Impressions & thank you Al for your tireless work in our community!
Donation News
2023-02-05 06:00:00Z |
Rotary Winter Wonderland |
Register to attend our District Conference today! TriCon will be in La Crosse, April 27-29th. You can come for one day or the whole weekend! TriCon is hosted by our very own District Governor Ben Bauer, and will provide countless opportunities for inspiration, service and fun!
Benjamin Bauer
2023-01-23 06:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6250 |
The Marshfield Rotary Foundation which acts as a fiscal agent for Rotary Winter Wonderland holds a Charitable Money Market account at Forward Bank which pays out an annual contribution. Over the past 10 years the Foundation has usually received between $400-700 each year. This year, this cash donation has increased to $1,499.05! Being part of this program at Forward Bank is another way we are adding money to the Winter Wonderland project which supports over 30 area food banks and programs that address food insecurity in Central Wisconsin. Thank you Forward Bank!
Winter Wonderland Sees Funding Bump!
2023-01-14 06:00:00Z |
Club News,Rotary Winter Wonderland |
Just a reminder that meetings are now weekly! We will see you on Thursday, January 12th @ Noon!
Reminder - Weekly Meetings Return in 2023
2023-01-02 06:00:00Z |
Just a reminder that the first meeting of 2023 is this week! We will see you on Thursday, January 5th @ 7am!
Reminder - 1st Meeting of 2023
2023-01-02 06:00:00Z |
Rotary Winter Wonderland needs your help, Rotarians! We currently to not have enough volunteers to operate the park on Dec 24 and Dec 25. Click on the story to learn more & volunteer today!
We Need Your Help!
2022-12-19 06:00:00Z |
Club Service |
The Marshfield Good Heart Award is new to the Marshfield community for 2023. It honors a high school senior who spreads unconditional, unwavering, and selfless kindness in the Marshfield community. The Good Heart Award recipient should exemplify traits of generosity, teamwork, compassion, and ethics. Award recipient will be selected by the United For Community Wellness Committee.
Peggy Sue Behselich & the Good Heart Award
2022-12-12 06:00:00Z |
City of Marshfield,Club News |
Mark your calendars and save the date! Thursday, December 8th Marshfield Rotary will be sponsoring and attending MACCI's Christmas Business After 5 at Hotel Marshfield. Click through to read more & get the details!
Save the Date for Rotary @ Business After 5!
2022-11-22 06:00:00Z |
Club News |
Click through for a quick note to members and an extra reminder for the board!
Happy Thanksgiving!
2022-11-19 06:00:00Z |
Club News |
Thank you to all Rotarians who sold roses & community members that purchased roses!
Rose Sale Success!
2022-11-18 06:00:00Z |
Club News |
The Rotary Winter Wonderland team is looking to fill just a couple final regular volunteer rangers spots for this season as well as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day food collection shifts, which Rotarians traditionally staff. This signature event of Marshfield Rotary supports over 30 area programs and food pantries and it's a lot of fun! Click through for sign-up links!
Volunteers Needed!
2022-11-16 06:00:00Z |
Club Service |
Did you know that volunteers from Marshfield Rotary deliver for Home Delivered Meals on both Thursdays and Saturdays? Diane Meissner was kind enough to share the Thursday schedule through January 26, 2023 for the bulletin & our calendar. You can see the entire list by clicking through to the full story or individual dates added to the calendar at the right.
Home Delivered Meals Update
2022-11-11 06:00:00Z |
Club Service |
Help keep our Rotary bulletin full with Rotary activities and speaker information! See the instructions below for how to ensure your speaker is highlighted and Rotary activities you attend are documented and shared!
Share Your Speakers!
2022-11-07 06:00:00Z |
Club News |
Jackie Zoellner has put together and shared the Home Delivered Meals schedule for the next 4 months. In addition to the usual disbursement of this information, we will post it here in a story on ClubRunner in list form (see below) as well as enter the dates into the calendar on ClubRunner to help make this information readily accessible.
Home Delivered Meals Schedule
2022-10-30 05:00:00Z |
Club News,Club Service |
Our annual Rotary Rose Sale has begun! Check your email for a note from Jenny Resch regarding all the details (including a flyer and a helpful tool for tallying your sales).
Rotary Rose Sale!
2022-10-10 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
At last week's meeting, Jane Wagner led discussion & survey on a board approved Club Health Check. It was a great opportunity to encourage the group to talk about what's working great in our club and as well as opportunities to improve. For those unable to attend, Jane did send out an email with the survey to the entire club encouraging those not in attendance to fill out the survey and send it back to her. If you haven't done so yet, please do! If you have questions or need the survey resent, just reach out to Jane. Remember that your feedback shapes the club -- your voice is an important!
Notes from Tuesday's Meeting
2022-10-10 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Don't forget -- Dr Tom Nikolai's Honor Flight Returns Monday, October 3, 2022! Join in welcoming him and our other veterans back from 8pm-11pm at Central WI Airport!
Never Forgotten Honor Flight Return
Sarah Chy
2022-10-02 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Our Rotary merger was finalized July 1st. Based on attendance as well as feedback from numerous club members, the board feels that it is time that we revisit how we schedule meetings so that we might find a more simple, regular schedule going forward.
Member Meeting Survey
2022-09-26 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Thanks to all of the Rotarians who made it out to Braem Park on September 15th to do our fall clean up. A fun time was had by all! Read more for more photos of our fun day at the park!
Fall Cleanup at Braem Park a Success!
Jane Wagner
2022-09-15 05:00:00Z |
City of Marshfield,Club Service,Protecting the Environment |
Need some help getting your ClubRunner username and password? Fear not! Click read more for a step by step process to get your username and password and you'll be on your way!
Need Help Resetting Your ClubRunner Password?
Benjamin Bauer
2022-07-29 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Resources |
Ben Bauer was officially installed as the District 6250 Governor on Saturday July 9th in the company of several Marshfield Rotary members, past District Governors and fellow District Leadership. Many thanks to Sheri Meissner and Teri Wilczek for pulling together such a wonderful event. The group spent time socializing and sharing well wishes and warm thoughts for Ben as he starts his important year of leadership. Read more for some more photos!
Ben Bauer Officially Installed as District Governor
Benjamin Bauer
2022-07-09 05:00:00Z |
Club News,Rotary District 6250 |
The City of Marshfield Director of Parks and Recreation, Justin Casperson shared an update on all of the action at Vandehey Waters which has seen record attendance numbers with the heat in recent weeks. The waterpark is seeing a great response from the community and is staffed with 50 people (35 lifeguards). For more information including rates and passes, visit the Vandehey Waters page on the City website.
Vandehey Waters Aquatic Center Update - Justin Casperson
Ben Bauer
2022-06-21 05:00:00Z |
Business Update,City of Marshfield |
The Marshfield Rotary Club celebrated its outgoing club leadership by recognizing the boards from both former clubs (Marshfield Sunrise and Marshfield Noon) and the newly combined board and club leaders for the merged Rotary Club of Marshfield! Past President Diane Meissner then passed the gavel to Jenny Resch who will serve in the 2022-2023 Rotary Year. Jenny shared gratitude with all of the members who serve our club and our community and drew attention to the new theme for her Presidential year; "Imagine Rotary". Congratulations Jenny and all of our club leaders who make what we do possible! Click here to check out the Passing the Gavel Program.
Marshfield Rotary Passes the Gavel
Ben Bauer
2022-06-21 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Several Rotarians spent some time on the evening of Jun 16th doing landscaping work at Cattails Cottage. Many thanks to those that helped beautify this facility that is incredibly important to the people it serves and our community! Click read more for more pictures.
Rotarians Clean Up Cattails Cottage
Ben Bauer
2022-06-20 05:00:00Z |
Club Service |

The Rotary Club of Milwaukee is pleased to announce a trip to the Guatemalan Highlands to visit past, current and future Rotary-sponsored infrastructure projects. Mike Paddock, fellow Rotarian, United Nations site recovery expert, Guatemalan advisor, author and more, will lead the trip departing Saturday, August 13, and returning August 21. There are twelve slots available for Rotary members from Wisconsin clubs who have donated funds to recent projects, as well as Milwaukee Rotary Club members. (Participants must be fully vaccinated and boosted for Covid 19.) More than 30 Rotarians have participated in past trips and all have been enriched by the experience. For further information:
Guatemalan Highlands Service Opportunity
Ben Bauer
2022-06-16 05:00:00Z |
Global Projects |
Congratulations to our 2022 Scholarship Winners!Adam Potts (Marshfield High School)Work Based Learning University: UW Stout Mallori Barth (Spencer High School)Work Based Learning University: UW-Stevens Point Sam Wilczek (Columbus High School)Service Above Self University: University of St. Thomas Amber Becker (Spencer High School)Service Above Self University: University of Mary
2022 Scholarship Winners
Ben Bauer
2022-06-13 05:00:00Z |
Scholarships |
The Marshfield Rotary Club hosted a celebration of Rotary Winter Wonderland where we honored all of the volunteers that make the event possible. Checks totaling $61,000 were distributed to the food pantries and organizations that are the beneficiaries of this important community event. The evening ended with addresses from Steering Committee members and our incoming District Governor, and Marshfield Rotarian, Ben Bauer. Many thanks to the entire community of people that make Rotary Winter Wonderland possible and to the team that coordinated such a meaningful event! Read more for additional photos!
Rotary Winter Wonderland Celebration
Ben Bauer
2022-06-08 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Winter Wonderland |
Marshfield Rotary welcomed two new members at our June 7th meeting. Kelly Kraus and Dr. Dave McLure. Welcome!
Welcome Kelly Kraus and Dr. Dave McLure
Ben Bauer
2022-06-07 05:00:00Z |
We had 24 Rotarians and friends respond to our appeal for “Friends In Need/Ukraine”. We raised $3,620.00, which will be forwarded on to the District 6250, Foundation for direct use in Ukraine. Thanks to Dave Valle and Jacquelyn Zoellner for bringing this all together.
Friends in Need - Ukraine
Ben Bauer
2022-05-19 05:00:00Z |
Foundation,Global Projects |
A crew of Rotarians cleaned up our stretch of Highway 10 as part of our long time Adopt-A-Highway service project. We collected a record number of bags and items. Thanks to this small but mighty crew for keeping our slice of the highway clean!
Thank You to our Adopt-A-Highway Crew
2022-05-10 05:00:00Z |
Protecting the Environment |
Sara Schueller presented MACCI with a $1,000 check to support the Leadership Marshfield program. Many of our Rotarians have gone through the program and have shared that their experience has been fantastic. Click 'read more' to see Sara's remarks.
Sunrise Rotary Gives to Leadership Marshfield Program
Ben Bauer
2022-05-09 05:00:00Z |
Business Update,Leadership Marshfield |
A crew of Rotarians spent part of the May 6th evening as part of the Feed My Starving Children meal packing event that helped pack thousands of meals. Kids and adults of all ages hand-pack nutritious MannaPack® meals specifically designed to assist in reversing and preventing undernutrition. Volunteering occurs at our permanent sites and hundreds of MobilePack™ events nationwide. For more information on Feed my Starving Children, check out https://www.fmsc.org/ Thank you to the Rotarians who helped coordinate and pack meals! Click -read more- to see more picutres!
Rotary Crew Serves at Feed My Starving Children Event
Ben Bauer
2022-05-06 05:00:00Z |
Global Projects,Health,Nonprofits,Saving Mothers & Children |
Fellow Rotarian MaryAnn Lippert shared her presentation: All Things Broadband, with the key message being “Please do the internet speed test!” Data collected will be used for upcoming grant applications.Funds for broadband are out there. Help Wood County plan for the future. Click to take a fast, easy and secure the internet speed test to let us know where it’s needed. Contact MaryAnn with any questions! MaryAnn Lippert Consultant LLC Strategies to Move Rural Communities Forward 715-340-0503
Internet Speed Test - MaryAnn Lippert
Ben Bauer
2022-05-03 05:00:00Z |
Business Update,Growing Local Economies |
The Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club has been recognized as a ShelterBox HERO for Rotary Year 2021-2022. ShelterBox is a global organization made up of people who believe in shelter as a human right – that shelter from the chaos of disaster and conflict is vital. Sunrise Rotary has made contributions for many years to the ShelterBox cause of providing shelter and basic needs to people around the world affected by natural disasters and other causes of displacement. Rotary joins other international agencies in providing immediate relief to disaster survivors through our partnership with ShelterBox and mobilizing our expertise to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts. – Gary C.K. Huang, 2014-15 Rotary International President
ShelterBox's has provided shelter to 2.2 million people since 2000. For more information, please visit www.shelterboxusa.org
Marshfield Rotary Recognized for Support of ShelterBox
Ben Bauer
2022-04-18 05:00:00Z |
Global Projects |
Fellow Rotarian, Dale Marth joined us to give an update on the state of recycling in 2022 and a business update as Advanced Disposal is now part of Waste Management. Dale shared some recent developments on the supply chain issues in recent years including how some efforts in the U.S. have ramped up including new facilities and advancements in technology. If you missed the meeting, check out his slide deck or watch the recording. Thanks for the great information, Dale!
2022 Recycling Update
Ben Bauer
2022-04-05 05:00:00Z |
Business Update,Protecting the Environment |
Shannon Nienast presented Feed My Starving Children to the club and created a lot of interest in helping with a Mobilepack event where meals are packed for those in need. The event provides a first step to feed children by packing bulk ingredients into individual meals and then shipping them to those in need. The next event is May 5-7 th at Zion United Methodist Church across from Aldi’s. The Marshfield Mobilepack website page is open now for donations and opens March 25 th to let volunteer’s sign-up to pack. ( www.marshfieldfmsc.com) The goal is to pack over 124,000 meals this year. The $30,000 fundraising goal is to pay for the ingredients and FMSC staff to help run the event.
Feed My Starving Children
Ben Bauer
2022-03-15 05:00:00Z |
Global Projects,Nonprofits,Saving Mothers & Children |
Our very own Michelle Boernke presented on all of the new things happening at UWSP at Marshfield. Between new degree programs, a Community Incubator, Collaborator, and Resource Provider and the new Center for Inclusive Excellence, there's a lot going on! Check out Michelle's slide deck for some photos and more information on all that's going on at UWSP at Marshfield.
New Partnerships, Developments and Programs at UWSP
Ben Bauer
2022-03-01 06:00:00Z |
Business Update,Supporting Education |
The Noon Rotary Club supported the the "Escuintla Hospital" project last year and we recently received an update from the group. The Escuintla Hospital project is an initiative of the World Community Service Committee of the Rotary Club of Milwaukee. Jerry Stepaniak recently spoke at the noon club and he is looking for others to join him on that journey this summer to Guatemala. So, if any Rotarian is interested in traveling there, feel free to contact him at jerrystepaniak@gmail.com
Escuintla Hospital Project Update
Ben Bauer
2022-02-20 06:00:00Z |
Health |
Bryce Loll attended World Affairs Seminar in June of 2021 and while his event was a virtual one, he still enjoyed the opportunity to meet hundreds of students from all over the world in an event built for building "peace through understanding". The World Affairs Seminar is an international youth initiative of Rotary International District 6270. The idea is if the causes are understood and solutions developed in a cooperative environment, problems are more likely to be solved peacefully. Our club will again sponsor one student to attend World Affairs Seminar in June of 2022 where they are currently planning both an in person and virtual option. Please contact Jill Porter if you know of a student who may be interested in applying. For more information, visit www.worldaffairsseminar.org
Bryce Loll - World Affairs Seminar
Ben Bauer
2022-02-01 06:00:00Z |
Promoting Peace |
Our own Iilee Pederson of Ronald McDonald House was our program last week where she shared an update from the House. The Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield provides a temporary home away from home and gives support to families seeking medical care for their children, free of charge. Iilee shared some great stories about how the house has helped families with stays short and long and how they've been affected by the pandemic. The health and well-being of the children and families we serve remains our top priority and we will continue to take the appropriate precautions to mitigate the spread of all viruses and sicknesses, including COVID-19. Each Ronald McDonald House is part of Ronald McDonald House Charities – a diverse and expansive global charity – but is governed by its own Board of Directors, which sets policies and guidelines for its individual House. Thank you for a great program Iilee!
Iilee Pederson - Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield
Ben Bauer
2022-01-18 06:00:00Z |
Nonprofits |
The staff and students from Nasonville Elementary School donated $506 to Rotary Winter Wonderland. Thank you so much for your generous donation!
Nasonville Elementary Donates to Winter Wonderland
Ben Bauer
2022-01-10 06:00:00Z |
Rotary Winter Wonderland |
UWSP Continuing Education - Becca Bauer
Ben Bauer
2022-01-04 06:00:00Z |
Business Update,Education |
Maria Radomski from the Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin joined Sunrise Rotary to present on their robust volunteer program that relies on hundreds of volutneers who contribute over 10,000 hours to the organizations success. Check out her slide deck for more information on their program or visit the Volunteering section of the Versiti website. https://www.versiti.org/ways-to-give/supporting-versiti/volunteering. Thanks for joining us Maria!
Versiti Blood Center of WI Volunteer Program
Ben Bauer
2021-12-02 06:00:00Z |
Business Update,Health |
Fellow club member Tim Coen (a.k.a. "Painless" which was his trail name), is pictured above next to a sign at the start of the 100 mile wilderness. Total distance of the trail was 2200 miles through 14 states. It took him 158 days to complete the entire journey. Congratulations, Tim on an amazing feat and thank you so much for sharing all of the great photos and stories so we could enjoy a small piece of the journey with you!
Tim Coen (Painless) and the Appalachian Trail
Ben Bauer
2021-11-11 06:00:00Z |
District Governor Karen Hebert joined our club meeting this week and shared an inspiring and hopeful message about Rotary service and commitment. There are so many opportunities to serve at the level that makes sense for you!...in a way that is not too much, not too little and full of opportunity to change our community and world. Thank you so much for your time Karen, you're an inspiration to us all!
District Governor Karen Hebert
Ben Bauer
2021-11-04 05:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6250 |
Ally Dryer, owner of Hub City Gymnastics joined Sunrise Rotary this morning for a business update. She shared her story of transitioning from the medical field to pursuing her passion for gymnastics by opening the unique business here in Marshfield. Hub City Gymnastics offers programs and activities for people of all ages and plenty of options for parties and other festivities at their facility on 29th Street on the South Side of Marshfield. Check out their website and/or Allie's slide deck for some great photos and info on all they have to offer!
Hub City Gymnastics
Ben Bauer
2021-10-28 05:00:00Z |
Business Update |
Linda Roehrborn joined Sunrise Rotary this morning to share information about her business, Discovery Education Station. She created it to share her passion for Planet Earth through environmental, science, and art education and the promotion of responsible stewardship and healthy living. Linda brought some guests to help share the story of all the great programs, camps education and events that Discovery provides for all ages. To find out more, including info about upcoming classes and activities, check out their facebook page. Thanks for joining us Linda!
Discovery Education Station
Ben Bauer
2021-10-21 05:00:00Z |
Business Update |
Members of Sunrise Rotary spent some time last night packing goodies for healthcare workers at the Marshfield Clinic. About 800 packs were assembled as part of Care for Caregivers, providing much needed food, snacks and good vibes to those who continue to work countless hours and long days as we continue to make our way through the pandemic. Thanks to those who helped and a huge thank you to our healthcare workers for all you do!
Care for Caregivers!
2021-10-08 05:00:00Z |
Club Service,Health |
Shawn Becker was elected to the Office of Wood County Sheriff on November 6th 2018. Sheriff Becker began his service to Wood County in 1997 as a Deputy Sheriff and served as Field Training Officer, Traffic Crash Reconstructionist, Defense and Arrest Tactics Instructor and Vehicle Contacts Instructor. He shared some news about the last year in the department and some exciting changes coming to the department in the near future. Sheriff Becker also served as Patrol Sergeant, Investigator Sergeant, Patrol Lieutenant and in 2015 he was promoted to Patrol Captain. Sheriff Shawn Becker graduated from Stevens Point Area Senior High School in 1988. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from University Wisconsin-Stevens Point in 1993.
Wood County Sheriff - Shawn Becker
Ben Bauer
2021-09-30 05:00:00Z |
Business Update |
Below are the 3 sign up links Danielle and Al discussed in their presentation this morning. Please consider where you can help on this important community project! Also, feel free to pass these links on to others outside the club who may also want to get involved. Check out the slide deck that Danielle and Al shared during their presentation. Oct 16, 23, 30, Nov 6 *If you are able to help during the day Friday, please let Dale or Phil know! Nov 26 - Dec 31
Rotary Winter Wonderland Season 16
Ben Bauer
2021-09-28 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Winter Wonderland |
Our own Jenny King, who is a coach for the Marshfield Mountain Bike Club gave a presentation on the club, who they are, and what they do! Driven by their mission, vision and values, the team has created a fun and inclusive environment for athletes, coaches and parents taking advantage of the sport's cooperative nature while providing a great way for everyone to get the outdoor time, physical conditioning and/or competition that they are looking for. Check out Jenny's slide deck for more information, then watch this cool video tells the story of how high school biking is blowing up!
Marshfield Mountain Bike Club
Ben Bauer
2021-09-09 05:00:00Z |
Don Schnitzler joined us to share a presentation on the upcoming 150 year celebration of the City of Marshfield. Check out Don's presentation to learn more including how you can get involved.
City of Marshfield Celebrating 150 Years!
Ben Bauer
2021-07-15 05:00:00Z |
City of Marshfield |
At the first in-person club meeting of the year, the Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club celebrated it’s annual Passing of the Gavel ceremony on Thursday. Pat Gall (President 2020-2021) passed leadership of the club on to Becky Huebner-Leu (President 2019-2020). Pat thanked the club for a great year which included keeping the club engaged through virtual meetings amidst the pandemic, a wildly successful Rotary Winter Wonderland Season, several local scholarships and countless other projects. Gall also recognized club leadership for their year of service. Becky took the gavel and closed the meeting by introducing the new Board of Directors, expressing her excitement for resuming in-person meetings and shared some goals for her upcoming presidential year and the future of the club.
Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Passes the Gavel
Ben Bauer
2021-06-24 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Dr. Mark Borchardt joined Sunrise Rotary this morning to share the results of his recent study from Kewaunee County and the relationship between agriculture and groundwater qulaity. Check out the rest of Mark's slide deck.
Cows, People, and Groundwater Quality - Dr. Mark Borchardt
Ben Bauer
2021-06-17 05:00:00Z |
Fighting Disease,Protecting the Environment |
Congratulations to our Class of 2021 Scholarship Winners!Service Above Self Scholarship: | Kaitlin Alberts Marshfield High School Attending St. Norbert College (De Pere) in the fall | |  | Dezerae Pelot Pittsville High School Attending University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point in the fall | |  | Maria Esser Pittsville High School Attending University of Wisconsin - Madison in the fall | |  | Shannon Peskie Marshfield High School Attending University of Wisconsin - Stout in the fall |
Work Based Learning Scholarship: | Emily Carlson Pittsville High School Attending University of South Florida in the fall | |  | Sydney Mauritz Columbus Catholic High School Attending University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point in the fall |
Class of 2021 Scholarship Winners
Ben Bauer
2021-06-14 05:00:00Z |
Scholarships,Supporting Education |
Stasia Sliwinski-Seubert from Backyard Bee Keeping was our presenter this morning. Stasia currently maintains five bee hives in her backyard - two that survived this past winter, and three from swarms that she was able to catch this spring. A few fun facts about bees that we learned this morning: - There can be up to 30,000 bees in a bee hive
- All worker bees are female and have a 6 week lifespan. Male bees are called drones.
- Swarming happens when bees outgrow their hive. Stasia caught three swarms earlier this year, with as many as 3,000 bees in each swarm.
Even if you are not a beekeeper, we can all do our part to help the bee population. Planting flowers where the center of the flower is easily accessible to bees is the easiest way to help bees thrive.
Backyard Bee Keeping - Stasia Sliwinski-Seubert
Ben Bauer
2021-06-10 05:00:00Z |
Business Update,Protecting the Environment |
Kathleen Meyer from ENC (Everyone Needs a Community), Inc. joined us to present an update on a new community concept for Marshfield. Everyone Needs A Community is a 501c3 nonprofit that is working to build a community that contains affordable rental housing and a community center. They're working to make adjacent or nearby owner controlled housing available in the community. Check out the rest of her slide deck here.
New Community Concept for Marshfield - Kathleen Meyer
Ben Bauer
2021-06-04 05:00:00Z |
Business Update |
Wildflower's SaaS platform launched with a mobile app in 2012, that has helped women have healthy babies, digitally guiding them through their pregnancy journey, identifying risk, and connecting them with personalized care. Over time, we added to our technology to support the evolving health journey for families across all life stages, coordinating the needs of moms, dads, kids and aging parents all in one digital application. Today, we support the entire ecosystem - the provider, the payer, the family - with a clinically-integrated solution that is purpose-built to advance more effective, efficient care, as well as the payment models that fuel it. In doing so, we are providing the digital solution, care advocacy that supports patients and value alignment between provider and payor groups to improve clinical outcomes while reducing cost of care.
Value Based Maternity - A New World of Healthcare
Ben Bauer
2021-05-27 05:00:00Z |
Business Update,Saving Mothers & Children |
Denali Volkman was one of the students from the Marshfield area who attended the 2021 Virtual RYLA. She joined Sunrise Rotary to share of her experience at the event this year including what she was expecting and how it turned out to be more that she'd anticipated. RYLA, which stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and is Rotary's youth leadership camp is typically held at Camp Upham Woods in the Wisconsin Dells. The District 6250 team that runs the camp made the decision to do a virtual event this year and it was a great event that will help propel us forward to the next in person camp (hopefully in 2021). Thank you Denali for joining Sunrise Rotary this morning, we're excited and hopeful to see what you do as one of our future leaders!
Denali Volkman - The RYLA Experience
Ben Bauer
2021-05-20 05:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6250 |
Rotarians trimmed reed canary grass from the boardwalks at the Marshfield Outdoor Learning Sanctuary followed by fellowship in the new shelter. Winners of the Penzey Spice drawing were Phil Phillips and Juline Heiting. Keep reading for a few more photos!
Sunrise Rotarians Clean Up Marshfield Outdoor Learning Sanctuary
Jane Wagner
2021-05-19 05:00:00Z |
Protecting the Environment,Supporting Education |
The Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club assisted the City of Marshfield in planting approximately 28 bare root trees on South Peach Avenue near the Marshfield Fairgrounds. “Our club has always been an active community partner spending time on projects to help beautify our community and support the environment,” said Club President Pat Gall. “This is a great opportunity for us to be active participants in the community like we always have and in a safe way,” he said. “We’ve also cared for and assisted in enhancing spaces like Braem Park, a stretch of Highway 10 through Adopt-A-Highway, greenspaces along the Veterans Parkway corridor, and other improvements at Marshfield Fairgrounds Park and the UWSP at Marshfield Arboretum.” he added. One of Rotary International’s 7 areas of focus is “Supporting the Environment” as many clubs and specific Rotary Action Groups around the world dedicate millions of volunteer hours every year to projects and causes that promote environmental sustainability.
Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Helps Beautify South Peach Ave.
Ben Bauer
2021-04-29 05:00:00Z |
City of Marshfield,Protecting the Environment |
Rotary District 6250 Foundation Chair, Josh Mansee joined Sunrise Rotary to create share some great information on our Foundation including District and Global Grants, Rotary Direct, Polio Plus and more. Our club continues to be a generous one giving over the $100 per capita requirement to receive District Grants. The May 24th District Grant deadline is quickly approaching and with ~$90,000 available to give this year, what ideas do you have for ways to improve our community and take advantage of a grant?
The Rotary Foundation - Josh Mansee, D6250 Foundation Chair
Ben Bauer
2021-04-29 05:00:00Z |
Foundation,Grants,Rotary District 6250 |
Stacey Schultz from the Marshfield Area Community Foundation joined Sunrise Rotary for an update on some of their more recent programs including the COVID Relief Fund, United for Community Wellness and more. The Marshfield Area Community Foundation, Inc. is a public, 501-C-3 charity. There are 30 community foundations in Wisconsin and more than 750 in the nation. The purpose of all community foundations is to accumulate charitable dollars that impact a specific geographic region in areas such as education, the arts, economic development, recreation, environmental protection, health care, and social services. They may be relatively small, as we are (assets of $14 million), or very large, as is the Greater Milwaukee Foundation (assets over $400 million).
Marshfield Area Community Foundation - Stacey Schultz
Ben Bauer
2021-04-15 05:00:00Z |
Education,Nonprofits |
Ally Magnin, Volunteer Coordinator with the Wisconsin DNR joined us for a beautiful presentation on the Wisconsin Snapshot program which is a partnership to monitor wildlife year round through a network of trail cameras! The goals of the program are to: - Provide data needed to make wildlife management decisions
- Increase public engagement in natural resources
Interested in volunteering? - Requirements for hosting a camera:
- Access to 10 or more acres of public or private land
- Computer and internet access
- Ability to check the camera every 3 months
Keep reading for some more info from Ally's presentation and some great photos...
Wisconsin Snapshot: Ally Magnin
Ben Bauer
2021-04-15 05:00:00Z |
Education,Nonprofits |
Brad Wolters, Director of Federal Government Affairs for the Marshfield Clinic Health System joined Sunrise Rotary for a very informational presentation on the state of healthcare policy including updates on efforts from the current administration. Check out the slide deck with lots of good info and data!
Healthcare Policy 2021 - Brad Wolters
Ben Bauer
2021-04-08 05:00:00Z |
Club Service,Nonprofits |
The Mission of the Home Delivered Meals Program is to improve the health and well-being of homebound individuals in the Marshfield community through the daily delivery of hot, nutritious meals. Volunteer drivers pick up hot meals from the Saint Joseph's Hospital kitchen and deliver the meals directly to the homes of the identified program participants. At each home, the volunteer makes a quick wellness check and picks up the empty tray from the previous day's meal delivery. At the end of the route, empty trays are returned to the Hospital, and any concerns about the participants' welfare are reported. Marshfield Sunrise Rotary has been an active group of volunteers as part of the program, delivering meals for many, many years. If you know of someone that is living at home, especially by themselves, and not getting what they need, please: Contact Program Coordinator Kris Hughes at 715-387-9585. If you'd like to volunteer to deliver meals: Contact Keresa Kilty at 715-387-7106.
Home Delivered Meals
Ben Bauer
2021-04-01 05:00:00Z |
Club Service,Nonprofits |
Ashley Winch, fellow Rotarian from the Marshfield Noon club and Executive Director of the Marshfield Area United Way joined us for an exciting update from the organization. The biggest news is the recent move into their new office space inside the donated Heckel House. The location provides great visibility near the medical center complex and plenty of space for staff. Check out this video for a virtual tour of the Heckel House! Ashley also shared some great updates on their COVID Relief Program, Nutrition on Weekends (N.O.W.), and recently formed coalition for mental health (United For Community Wellness). Check out her slide deck for more information. Thanks for joining us Ashley!
Marshfield Area United Way Update
Ben Bauer
2021-03-25 05:00:00Z |
Nonprofits |
Through a matching donation campaign by the Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Board and our Club President, Pat Gall, Marshfield Sunrise Rotary came together to generate an $1,800 donation to Special Olympics! $1,000 of the proceeds will go to Marshfield Area Special Olympics and $802.86 will go to Special Olympics of Wisconsin. At our club meeting on March 18th, the donation was announced to Janet Bell, Co-Agency Manager for Marshfield Area Special Olympics. The Special Olympics crew provides a great amount of help to Rotary Winter Wonderland each year and their worthy program has funding needs to support all that they do. Thank you Sunrise Rotarians for your donation and thank you to Janet and all of our Special Olympians for your help with Rotary Winter Wonderland!
Sunrise Rotary Donates $1,800 to Special Olympics!
Ben Bauer
2021-03-18 05:00:00Z |
Nonprofits,Rotary Winter Wonderland |

District 6250 Friendship Exchange Chair, Dave Clemens from the Wisconsin Dells Rotary Club joined us to share his experience and talk about one of the coolest things Rotary does....Friendship Exchange! What is Friendship Exchange?Friendship Exchange is an international exchange program for Rotary members and friends that allows participants to take turns hosting one another in their homes and clubs. Participants may travel as individuals, couples, families, or groups, and may be Rotary members or not. Benefits of an exchangeBroaden international understanding Explore a profession or job in a different context Build enduring friendships Establish a foundation for peace and service Gain opportunities for active project involvement and support Learn about a region’s people, food, languages, customs, and history Find partners for grants
Thanks for joining us Dave! For more information check out the District 6250 Friendship Exchange Page or more info at rotary.org.
Rotary Friendship Exchange
Darla Leick
2021-02-25 06:00:00Z |
Friendship Exchange,Global Projects |
The Special Olympics crew provides a great amount of help to Rotary Winter Wonderland each year and their worthy program has funding needs to support all that they do. Our club will match $500 in donations and our President, Pat has also pledged to match $500. So your donation of $1, quickly becomes $3 until we hit $1,500! Anything above and beyond that will still go to support the programming and activities of Special Olympics. The donation will be presented to Special Olympics during our March 18th, 2021 meeting. To Donate:Donate By Mail: Donate Online (via PayPal):
Matching Donations to Special Olympics
Pat Gall
2021-02-25 06:00:00Z |
Club News,Nonprofits,Rotary Winter Wonderland |
Family Care is a Wisconsin, Medicaid funded long-term care program that helps frail elders and adults with disabilities get the services and supports they need to remain as independent as possible. Family Care is provided by a Managed Care Organization (MCO). MCO's operate the Family Care program and provide or coordinate services in the Family Care benefit package. Inclusa is licensed by the Department of Health Services to operate as an MCO. When a person decides to enroll in Family Care they become a member of an MCO. Supports and services are then tailored to each individual's needs, circumstances and preferences. Learn more about Inculsa here: https://vimeo.com/339020349
Inclusa - Family Care
Ben Bauer
2021-02-18 06:00:00Z |
Business Update |
Danielle Nystrom joined Sunrise Rotary to give an end of the season recap on Rotary Winter Wonderland's successful year. Season totals included 71,500 food items (a 34% increase) and $103,500 in cash donations (a 60% increase). Since it's start and including the record breaking numbers from last year, Rotary Winter Wonderland is approaching 750,000 food items and almost $900,000 in cash donated. This program continues to be a remarkable example of the power of Rotary and our generous communities and volunteers.
Rotary Winter Wonderland Season 15 Recap
Ben Bauer
2021-02-11 06:00:00Z |
Rotary Winter Wonderland |
Star and Thunder, the majestic Mountain Lions, Cougars or Cats joined us virtually at Sunrise Rotary. Did you know that they're the mammal with the most recognizable names in the world? They're also considered the olympians of the cat world and can jump 30 feet in a single bound. We're so lucky to have them at our zoo to enjoy and observe. And, through yet another example of community collaboration they now reside in their newly built Cougar Exhibit! Thank you also to Sarah from Wildwood Zoo for giving us the tour and all of the interesting info!
Star and Thunder
Ben Bauer
2021-02-04 06:00:00Z |
City of Marshfield |
Today at Sunrise Rotary, Kathleen Rulka joined the club to provide an update on the Personal Development Center, Orenda Center. Personal Development Center is a private, non-profit victim services agency providing case management, advocacy, and prevention education to individuals and families in the North Wood County and Clark County area. One thing that they are looking for is more awareness in the Marshfield area of the services they provide to enhance their ability to provide those services to the people that need it most. Find out more at pdcmarshfield.org.
Kathleen Rulka - PDC Orenda Center
Ben Bauer
2021-01-28 06:00:00Z |
Darren Ackley from Northcentral Technical College joined Sunrise Rotary for a presentation on the Esports program at the school. Darren really enjoys sharing the cool stories and examples of things that esports staff and athletes are doing. Check out the links below for more information!
NTC eSports - Darren Ackley
Ben Bauer
2021-01-21 06:00:00Z |
Education |
Christine Gunderson, UWSP Continuing Education Program Manager joined Sunrise Rotary this morning to share all of the amazing offerings from Continuing Education. UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education has seven program teams serving the needs of various audiences and offering everything from one-day workshops to certificate programs to one-on-one business consulting to day trips, just to name a few. Their three campuses and unique statewide connections give them the opportunity to connect with over 20,000 people each year in many different ways. They extend the University resources and Wisconsin Idea, serving audiences of all ages, locally and globally. For more information, click here!
UWSP Continuing Education Program - Christine Gunderson
Ben Bauer
2021-01-07 06:00:00Z |
Business Update,Education |
Pam Ross from ODC joined Sunrise Rotary this morning to share some great information about their wonderful organization. Pam covered a lot, presenting on their leadership transition, their history, their service area which recieves many services from children's long-term support services to adult and mental health services. Pam shared some great info about the impact of ODC on our communities including services provided by Milkweed Market and Ink Splash. Thanks for being with us Pam!
ODC - Opportunity Development Center - Connecting People and Communities
Ben Bauer
2020-12-10 06:00:00Z |
Business Update |
The 2020 Sunrise Rotary Rose Sale was a great success! Thank you to all of our club members and their families and friends for helping with the sales, delivery, organization and planning. Most importantly, thank you to our communities for supporting the sale and bringing the smiles and joy of roses to so many in our community! Our sale resulted in approximately $15,000 of funds raised which go directly to the programs and communities that our club supports like youth leadership, scholarships, local and international community development programs, and much more. A special shout out to Phil Phillips, Darla Leick and Sheri Meissner for selling the most roses individually this year. Congrats Sunrise Rotary and thanks again to all who bought roses or made a donation!
Rose Sale Success - Thank You!!
Marsha Bushman
2020-12-03 06:00:00Z |
Club News |
Dr. Julie Tharp joined Sunrise Rotary for a presentation on this year's Marshfield Cultural Fair which, like many events, will be held virtually. Check out here presentation for information on all of the great events and activities planned! Dr Tharp is a professor of English with courses in Composition, Multicultural Literature, Women's Studies, Film Studies, and lots of other areas. She has a deep interest in global film, cuisine, and travel. Thank you for joining us and spreading the word for this great event!
Virtual Marshfield Cultural Fair
Ben Bauer
2020-11-12 06:00:00Z |
Nonprofits |
Amanda Haffele from Portage County Solid Waste joined Sunrise Rotary to give a great presentation on how her facility operates and how to properly recycle items using our curbside bins. Their facility brings in 18,000-20,000 TONS of material each year and we all play a small role in helping their operation run efficiently which maximizes the impact of the recycling program and ultimately the impact on our planet! Check out her slide deck for lots more information and best practices or keep reading!
Recycling Right
Ben Bauer
2020-11-05 06:00:00Z |
Business Update |
One of our newest members, Jill Porter from the Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, shared her story of coming to Marshfield from Northern Michigan. It certainly was an interesting start with both Michigan and Wisconsin locking down in the early stages of COVID-19 and her start being pushed back to June of 2020. Upon coming to the library, it was mostly shut down but was providing some services like drive-thru and digital services. Over the summer and fall, more services and programming have been added for patrons of all ages. Check out everything that's going on and all the other changes at marshfieldlibrary.org
Marshfield Public Library Services - Adjusting During COVID
Ben Bauer
2020-10-29 05:00:00Z |
Business Update,City of Marshfield,Nonprofits |
Al and Danielle Nystrom joined Sunrise Rotary this morning to share that planning and setup for Rotary Winter Wonderland is in full swing this year! The show will be on November 27th - December 31st. At this point volunteer response and business sponsorships have been good. With COVID still affecting events like this, some safety precautions have been put in place. Both walk and drive through routes will be open and the drive through route will be extended up 17th Street. Social distancing, masks, volunteer limits inside buildings and other precautions have been put in place in collaboration with local health officials to ensure the safety of volunteers and guests. "Extra" events like Gingerbread Jams, food sales, etc. won't be there this year but the rest of the show will go forward strong! rotarywinterwonderland.com Fun Facts: - In the past 14 years:
- 650,000 food items have been donated
- $306,000 has been given back to local area food pantries
- It's estimated that the show includes between 1 and 1.5 million lights
Rotary Winter Wonderland Update
Ben Bauer
2020-10-22 05:00:00Z |
The Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club has been recognized as a ShelterBox HERO for Rotary Year 2019-2020. ShelterBox is a global organization made up of people who believe in shelter as a human right – that shelter from the chaos of disaster and conflict is vital. Sunrise Rotary has made contributions for many years to the ShelterBox cause of providing shelter and basic needs to people around the world affected by natural disasters and other causes of displacement. Rotary joins other international agencies in providing immediate relief to disaster survivors through our partnership with ShelterBox and mobilizing our expertise to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts. – Gary C.K. Huang, 2014-15 Rotary International President
ShelterBox's has provided shelter to 1.6 million people since 2000, and provided aid to over 87,000 people so far in 2020 despite challenges with COVID-19. For more information, please visit www.shelterboxusa.org
Sunrise Rotary Recognized for Support of ShelterBox
Ben Bauer
2020-10-06 05:00:00Z |
Our club has earned the Rotary Citation, the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve, for 2019-20. During a year that was challenging for many Rotarians around the world, our club demonstrated a commitment to achieve its goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future. Congratulations to Jenny King, club President in 2019-20 and the entire Marshfield Sunrise Rotary team for your contributions of time and talent to the Marshfield area and Rotary. Click here to learn more about the criteria for this significant recognition.
Sunrise Rotary Receives the 2019-2020 Rotary Citation!
Ben Bauer
2020-09-30 05:00:00Z |
Pam Resech is a Naturalist and Wildlife Eduator at the Mead (George W.) Wildlife Area. The area is a state wildlife area covering over 33,000 acres (130 km2) in central Wisconsin. It includes portions of Marathon, Portage, and Wood counties. It is managed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR). The Area is commonly referred to as "the Mead". Five WDNR staff manage the Area. The non-profit organization Friends of the Mead/McMillan Association, Inc. assist with raising funds to support the area's activities. The Mead has over 70 miles of maintained hiking trails and a 7-mile hiking loop around the Berkahn Flowage. It is home to 291 species of birds every year. A total of 278 bird species have been recorded as of 2018 for the Mead SWA. Currently, there are 126 bird species known to breed in this area.
Pam Resech - Mead Wildlife Area
Ben Bauer
2020-09-24 05:00:00Z |
Education |
Carrie Lippert Gillespie is a media personality and animal rights activist originally from Pittsville. Last November she organized a low cost service to farmers in the Pittsville area to have their farm cats spayed and neutered. Cats are an important part of the farm ecosystem but can quickly become overwhelming if their populations grow too large. Carrie partnered with The Fix is In, a veterinary service who provides high quality affordable spay and neuter clinics.
Carrie Lippert Gillespie - The Fix is In
Ben Bauer
2020-08-27 05:00:00Z |
Nonprofits |
District Governor Bill Pritchard joined Sunrise Rotary to give an update from District 6250 and to celebrate several topics with our club. Notably, he mentioned that our Foundation giving in the 2019-2020 Rotary year was at an all time high. Bill also gave kudos on our membership retention numbers and gave special recognition to Juline Heiting as a part of his "Yes-Man" award where he's recognizing a Rotarian from each club for the behind the scenes, and humble giving of time and talent as a Rotarian. Juline is very deserving of this recognition and we thank her along with the rest of our club members for all they do for our community, our club and Rotary International. Bill also recommended some topics to give attention to including membership and public image and also spent some time with our board as ways for us to continue to grow as a club. Thanks for joining us, Bill!
District Governor Visit - Bill Pritchard
Ben Bauer
2020-08-13 05:00:00Z |
Mark Zee and Dan Griesbach joined Sunrise Rotary to share their story of FFA and family farming in Marshfield. Mark is approaching 30 years as an Ag teacher in Marshfield and had Dan as a student and FFA member when he was awarded National FFA Star in Ag Placement. Dan is owner of a 6th generation farm and his business had changed out of necessity from when he was in high school and with a growing demand for efficiency as technology continually changes. Dan pulled back the curtain on his operation and shared some fascinating pictures of the technology he uses on his farm from robots that milk the cows and also ensure that they are properly fed. Read on to check out more of the photos that Dan shared.
Dan Griesbach: Marshfield FFA Alumni & Griesbach Farms
Ben Bauer
2020-08-06 05:00:00Z |
Agriculture,Business Update,Education |
Penney Dupee joined Marshfield Sunrise to discuss why you should prepare for the unexpected with an advance directive. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “advance care planning is increasingly being viewed as a public health issue, given its potential to prevent unnecessary suffering and support an individual’s health care decisions and preferences.” Advance care planning is a service the Health System offers that allows patients and families to work with an expert facilitator to put a plan in place for future medical decisions and preferences.
Penney Dupee - Advance Care Planning
Ben Bauer
2020-07-23 05:00:00Z |
Health |
The Mission Statement of the Forestry Division: The City of Marshfield’s Forestry Division manages approximately 5,777 trees located within the parks and terraces. We promote a safe, sustainable, and healthy urban forest. We strive to enhance tree quality, increase species diversity, and maintain functionality while balancing tree aesthetics. The Forestry Division has it's own section of the city website with loads of great information about Emerald Ash Borer prevention efforts, their planting program (pictured above) and so much more. Check it out!
City Forester, Mark Ryskiewicz
Ben Bauer
2020-07-16 05:00:00Z |
City of Marshfield |
Detective Lieutentant Travis Esser joined Sunrise Rotary for a presentation about the Special Response Team (SRT) which consists of personnel including Command, Tactical Team, Crisis Negotiators and Marksmen. The Marshfield Police SRT exists on a call-out basis to handle situations which can be defined as being above and beyond the capabilities of the on-duty patrol shift. There are numerous situations that require specialized training and equipment such as hostage rescue, barricaded subjects and high risk warrant service. For more information, check out the SRT page on the city website.
Marshfield Police Department - Det. Lieut. Travis Esser
Ben Bauer
2020-07-09 05:00:00Z |
City of Marshfield |
 We passed the gavel last week from Jenny King and our current club leadership to Pat Gall and our incoming board. An enormous "thank you" to Jenny for her leadership, time and talent through a very interesting Rotary year. Jenny kept the club moving forward all year long including when we needed it most as our regular meetings were disrupted by the pandemic. You have been a gift to our club, Jenny and we're excited for your year of leadership, Pat! We also recognized new members, Paul Harris Fellows and others, some of which can be found in our program. Passing the Gavel is a special time for our club to pause and appreciate all the great things we've done and are doing while also looking forward to the next Rotary year. Many thanks to the outgoing board members for your years of service and thank you to our incoming board members for stepping up and serving. Rotary International's 2020-2021 Theme is " Rotary Opens Opportunities". Together, our club can open opportunities for our members, our community and the world. Let's get to it!
Passing The Gavel - Rotary Opens Opportunities
Ben Bauer
2020-06-25 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Brett Bennett joined Sunrise Rotary this morning to share the amazing work that the SKYGEN International Foundation has been doing to bring cost effective vision care to Tanzania. SKYGEN International Foundation, Inc. brings the power of SKYGEN USA’s innovations in technology and digital capabilities to bear on a global issue, which is an overall lack of access to healthcare. Our vision is to find cost effective ways to improve healthcare in underserved parts of the world by using emerging technologies. The Foundation works to deliver life-changing healthcare benefits to those without them due to cost and/or lack of access to care and technology. The SKYGEN International Foundation was originally established in early 2017 to improve healthcare in parts of the world where it has previously been lacking, thereby improving the quality of life in those areas. If you wish to learn more about the foundation, offer support or donate, check out the website or this link.
Creating Brighter Futures - Skygen International Foundation
Ben Bauer
2020-06-18 05:00:00Z |
Global Projects,Nonprofits |
Congratulations to our 2020 Sunrise Rotary New Horizons Scholarship Recipient Daniel Hughes. Daniel is currently attending UWSP at Marshfield. Congrats, Daniel!
Daniel Hughes - 2020 New Horizons Scholarship Winner
Ben Bauer
2020-06-17 05:00:00Z |
Scholarships |
The Leadership Marshfield Program provides a wonderful opportunity to: - Identify and develop current and future leaders
- Acquaint leaders with community needs and problems
- Equip these individuals to be better prepared to face the issues and problems which will confront our community's future
- Prepare and challenge participants to become involved.
The Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club sponsors one participant in the Leadership Marshfield program each year. If you are interested please contact Sara Schueller or Marisa Steinbach for details.
Leadership Marshfield Now Accepting Applications
Sara Schueller
2020-06-15 05:00:00Z |
Leadership Marshfield |
Dr. Florence Becot is the newest member of the research team at the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute's National Farm Medicine Center. She grew up in France with a history of farming in her family and has spent the last 15 years in the US developing her career as a researcher in rural sociology and economics. On Thursday, Dr. Becot provided an overview of her research which explores how the farm household and farm operations interact when it comes to health, safety, well-being, and economics, along with determining ways to support economic viability and resilience of farms.
Linking Farm Families' Health, Safety, Well-Being & Economic Viability
Ben Bauer
2020-06-11 05:00:00Z |
Agriculture |
Congratulations to our 2020 Sunrise Rotary Scholarship Recipients! - Helen Durrant - Work Based Learning Scholarship
- Pittsville High School
- Attending University of Wisconsin - Platteville
- Alyson Sebold - Work Based Learning Scholarship
- Auburndale High School
- Attending University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
- Ariel Fernandez - Service Above Self Scholarship
- Marshfield High School
- Attending University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
- Hannah Kelnhofer - Service Above Self Scholarship
- Marshfield High School
- Attending University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Class of 2020 Scholarship Winners
Ben Bauer
2020-05-28 05:00:00Z |
Scholarships |
At last week's club meeting we reviewed ClubRunner which is our web-based club management software that does everything from managing our membership roster, club invoicing, website, news, stories, events and even this bulletin that you're reading right now. One of it's most common uses is email communication with the club and other club contacts. Check out the links below for lots of other help from ClubRunner and the recording for some walk-throughs on things like sending an email and updating your profile.
ClubRunner 101
Ben Bauer
2020-05-21 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Resources |
At last weeks meeting a couple of items were discussed: - Here is the link for the Community Calendar that Rebecca Bauer and her Leadership Marshfield group created and discussed this morning. It is on the right hand side and at the bottom you can click "Open Full Calendar" to see everything on the calendar.
https://www.marshfieldmediaaccess.org/ - Here is the link for the Forward Bank Giving Voting page. Find the Marshfield discussion section and vote for your chosen recipient:
https://bit.ly/2Xcfmoz - Also mentioned during the meeting were cards that can be colored and will be provided to inpatients at Marshfield Clinic who currently aren't allowed to have visitors
Club Update - May 19, 2020!
Ben Bauer
2020-05-19 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Nona Zahn (Forward Bank), Chris Golden (Felker Brothers Corp.) and Sarah Hanuszczak (Simplicity Credit Union) joined Sunrise Rotary this morning to present their Leadership Marshfield project, Presents 4 Parents. Presents 4 Parents is a Leadership Marshfield and Marshfield Sunrise Rotary project that serves underprivileged children in local after school programs. Marshfield Sunrise Rotary provides a $200 grant to each of the Leadership Marshfield groups to help jump-start their projects. Each group will present to the club in the coming weeks so if you'd like to see what else these community leaders are working on, join us!
Presents 4 Parents
Ben Bauer
2020-05-07 05:00:00Z |
Leadership Marshfield |
The Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club has received a $711 Disaster Relief Grant from the Rotary International Foundation. Funds were made available to clubs worldwide and with over 35,000 clubs worldwide and limited funds made available, receiving the grant is especially exciting. “Everything with COVID-19 response is moving so quickly and as we know, things are changing daily. This grant will allow our club to contribute in a time of need in our community”, said Jenny King, Club President. She added “Our club also decided to supplement this grant with $1,000 to increase the impact.”
Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Gives Over $3,700 to Local COVID-19 Relief Efforts
Ben Bauer
2020-05-07 05:00:00Z |
Foundation,Grants,Rotary District 6250 |
This week we had Krystal Bohman of the Marshfield Area United Way and Amy Beauchamp from the City of Marshfield, Parks & Rec. Department join us for our first Leadership Marshfield group presentation of the Year. Krystal and Amy's group have been working on a very important and relevant project called "Just Look Up" to help create awareness for how often people are on their devices and tools to combat excessive screen time. Marshfield Sunrise Rotary provides a $200 grant to each of the Leadership Marshfield groups to help jump-start their projects. Each group will present to the club in the coming weeks so if you'd like to see what else these community leaders are working on, join us!
Just Look Up!
Ben Bauer
2020-04-30 05:00:00Z |
Leadership Marshfield |
Rotary District 6250 District Governor, Edwin Bos joined Sunrise Rotary to share an update from the District including many great stories and examples of work being done by Rotarians in response to COVID-19. He also gave a private screening of a video sharing his amazing story that takes you on a journey from a Friendship Exchange trip to Nepal to a young girl coming to the U.S. on a Rotary Youth Exchange. The video will be debuted in the May District eBulletin and we'll certainly share with our club and followers after it goes live to the world. Thank you Edwin for your leadership and service to our clubs this year and being a shining example of how Rotary Connects the World!
Edwin Bos - 6250 District Governor
Ben Bauer
2020-04-23 05:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6250 |
At last week's meeting one of our newer members, Rob Warren, gave the classification talk and then gave us an update on what the banking world has been facing processing requests for small businesses and the paycheck protection program. There were several questions from members interested to know more. Jenny King and Huong McLean gave an update from the Marshfield Clinic Health System, how certain operations are changing and evolving and the group also talked a little about experiences with telehealth recently for visits at the clinic.We opened it up to other questions and Dan Knoeck spoke a bit about road construction plans from the City of Marhsield Streets Department during this time.
Club Update!
Ben Bauer
2020-04-16 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Past Club President Larry Clouse gave a very interesting classification talk where he shared some info about his time at Harvard, including his House in the House system that is one of Harvard's best known traditions. Larry also shared some insights on medical testing and what needs to be considered when testing for COVID-19. We're very lucky to have people like Larry and all of the medical professionals in our club that can provide such great information. Keep doing your part, wash your hands, stay home when possible and stay positive!
Larry Clouse, Harvard and Considerations for COVID-19 Testing
Ben Bauer
2020-04-09 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
We spent a bit of time hearing about our new member's potential project and discussing which organization we could support with a district grant of $1000 for COVID19 disaster relief. Then we reviewed our avenues and projects which fall under each avenue. If you're a new Rotarian or a community member wondering how you can get involved with one of our avenues of service, contact us today!
Avenue Update & COVID-19 Project
Ben Bauer
2020-04-02 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Sunrise Rotary brought Alex Lendved, MSTC Campus Dean and Craig Bernstein, Manager, Workforce Development. They gave an in depth update from the campus that featured the huge amount of programs, administration and continuing education. We're very fortunate to have such a great system in our community. Check out https://www.mstc.edu for more. Want to join us for the next meeting? Click here to be invited to our Zoom online meetings.
Mid-State Technical College - Marshfield
Ben Bauer
2020-03-26 05:00:00Z |
Education |
Our club had a great first virtual meeting with 26 of our members in 'attendance'. Join us this week for a great program featuring Alex Lendved, MSTC Campus Dean giving us an update from campus and information on their continuing ed programming. Want to invite someone to a meeting? Click here to be invited to our Zoom online meetings.
First Virtual Meeting a Success!
Ben Bauer
2020-03-19 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
We want to reiterate our hope that everyone takes the necessary precautions to remain safe and healthy. In an effort to keep our members, families and co-workers safe, and to encourage that we all stay home, we've decided to meet virtually as of March 19th, 2020. If you're interested in joining us for one of our virtual meetings, please click here to be invited to our Zoom online meetings. As the situation changes, we'll keep you updated along the way and hope to be meeting in person as soon as possible. Thank you!
Virtual Meetings - COVID-19
Ben Bauer
2020-03-17 05:00:00Z |
Club News |
Julie Hastreiter joined us to tell the story of the AARP Tax Aide Program that prepares and/or review the income tax returns for those who may not be able to afford traditional services. Julie and her team help ensure that hundreds of individuals every year get the maximum benefit they can which can be a real difference maker in the lives of those who utilize their services. For more information, click here.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide
Ben Bauer
2020-03-12 05:00:00Z |
Education,Nonprofits |
Rebecca Bauer of UWSP at Marshfield joined us to share all of the amazing offerings from Continuing Education. UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education has seven program teams serving the needs of various audiences and offering everything from one-day workshops to certificate programs to one-on-one business consulting to day trips, just to name a few. Their three campuses and unique statewide connections give them the opportunity to connect with over 20,000 people each year in many different ways. They extend the University resources and Wisconsin Idea, serving audiences of all ages, locally and globally. For more information, click here!
Rebecca Bauer - Continuing Education, UWSP at Marshfield
Ben Bauer
2020-03-05 06:00:00Z |
Education |
Ashley Winch from the Marshfield Area United Way joined us for an update, including the donation of a home to the organization which will become their new office. Then, the club participated in the fun and fullfilling activity of packing lunches for the Nutrition On Weekends (N.O.W.) Program. The Nutrition On Weekends program is a collaborative, community effort to target childhood hunger. The program provides healthy, ready-to-eat nutritional foods for children during the weekend. The program was created in response to data collected from Marshfield students as part of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. In 2012, 20% of students surveyed indicated he/she had gone to bed hungry at least once in the past thirty days because there was not enough food in the home. In 2017, 27.1% of Marshfield Middle School students and 20.4% Marshfield High School students indicated he or she had gone to bed hungry at least once in the past 30 days because there was not enough food in the home.
Nutrition On Weekends (N.O.W.) - Marshfield Area United Way
Ben Bauer
2020-02-20 06:00:00Z |
Club Service,Nonprofits |
Judy Kruse and Michelle Kidder provided information to our club about the Business Health Solutions team of the Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS). Their team strives to be employers first choice for business health solutions by simplifying the path to quality health care that improves employer's workforce and health status. Services can include establishing job site health clinics, onsite laboratory services, mobile mammography, work place wellness/health coaching, or setting up Care My Way @ Work stations. We were also reminded that as of January 1st, Security Health Plan members can use the Care My Way service free of charge. Care My Way allows patients to connect with a nurse practitioner over the phone or through a video chat for diagnosis and treatment of a variety of common health conditions like sinus infections, urinary tract infections, pink eye, flu, and other respiratory infections.
MCHS Business Health Solutions Team
Ben Bauer
2020-02-13 06:00:00Z |
Business Update |
Everyone Needs a Community (ENC, Inc.) is a group of parents and friends of people with autism who have come together to create a new model of an affordable intergenerational community for mostly seniors and people with developmental disabilities. Thank you to Kathleen Meyer and Julie Salamonski for joining us at Sunrise Rotary and creating awareness for this great idea for our community. Want more? Check out their website: https://e-n-a-c.org/
Autism Friendly Intergenerational Community - Everyone Needs a Community, Inc
Ben Bauer
2020-02-06 06:00:00Z |
JoAnn Janikowski from the Alzheimer's Association gave a nice presentation on some of the work that The Alzheimer's Association of Greater Wisconsin does. It serves 52 counties in central and northern Wisconsin. Local outreach offices are located throughout Greater Wisconsin providing local information, education, support, and advocacy. The Alzheimer's Association of Greater Wisconsin is affiliated with the national Alzheimer's Association. They are dedicated to supporting all people affected by Alzheimer's disease and related dementia and receive no federal or state funding. Services include: Information and Referral, Care Consultation, Support Groups, Education, Safety Services, Advocacy and Public Awareness.
JoAnn Janikowski - Alzheimer's Association
Ben Bauer
2020-01-23 06:00:00Z |
Matt Schmitz from CUNA Mutual Group presented on "How to Weather a Bear Market" and shared some excellent information on Bear Markets and Behavioral Finance. "For investors, this (a bear market) can be a highly emotional event which often drives people to make bad decisions that undermine their long-term goal...due to behavior finance. Behavioral finance reminds us that we don't always act rationally, especially during a bear market." Want more? Connect with one of the financial advisers in our club!
How to Weather a Bear Market - Matt Schmitz CUNA Mutual
Ben Bauer
2020-01-16 06:00:00Z |
Ron Wilczek (you may know him as Teri's husband) is the Columbus Catholic Varsity Girls Basketball coach. He stopped by Sunrise Rotary to share his passion for basketball and it's clear he's had a positive impact on the lives of many young people in his time as a coach. If you want to stay up to date with the Columbus Girls team, check out their Facebook page. Thank you Ron for all that you do and Go Dons!
Columbus Dons Girls Basketball Coach - Ron Wilczek
Ben Bauer
2020-01-09 06:00:00Z |
This unstoppable & amazing friend Autumn Moen shared at our Sunrise Rotary Meeting this morning with her mom Janice. You will be inspired to reach for your dreams after watching this video she made with Team Triumph!
Autumn Moen Shares Her Team Triumph Story
Ben Bauer
2019-12-12 06:00:00Z |
Ayva James joined us to share her experience during her Short Term Exchange Program (STEP) to Spain! Ayva shared stories of her experience with the culture, language food and geography of the beautiful country. STEP is a family to family summer exchange program. After a match is established with an international family, the two students will spend one month at each other's home in the coming summer, with the exact dates determined by the two families. Interested? (or know someone who may be?) Visit https://rotary6250.org/page/short-term-youth-exchange for more information.
Ayva James - Short Term Exchange Program (STEP) to Spain!
Ben Bauer
2019-12-05 06:00:00Z |
Michelle Kidder from Marshfield Clinic Health System came to our club to highlight a new telehealth program that the Clinic is rolling out to area businesses. Care My Way at Work allows employees to connect with a health professional through videochat to receive consultation and treatment for a variety of common illnesses. There is a plan to expand to evaluation and treatment of occupational injuries as well. Businesses can enroll in the program and are given all the tools and support to set up a private consultation area with a tablet device and a variety of medical instruments such as stethescope, otoscope and blood pressure cuff. These instruments allow the employee to send health measures electronically to the care provider. The service costs less than an in-person clinic visit, at just $40, and can save the employee time by not having to go to the clinic. More info is available here: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/care-my-way We were able to watch our past Rotary Club President, Erik Borreson in a main acting role as the employee featured in the promotional video Michelle shared!
Care My Way @ Work
Ben Bauer
2019-10-31 05:00:00Z |
Shanna Hackel and Jared Eggebrecht from Northcentral Technical College joined us to share some great information about their new program, Move to Manufacturing. As the manufacturing industry continues to grow, local businesses are teaming up to offer this free training opportunity designed to quickly grow the workforce. Participants get the skills and knowledge needed for employment in manufacturing with the support to be successful. Thanks for joining us Shana and Jared! Get more info here: https://www.movetomanufacturing.com
Move to Manufacturing!
Ben Bauer
2019-10-31 05:00:00Z |
Your D6250 nominating committee has selected Ben Bauer as District Governor Nominee Designate (DG 2022-2023). Read the announcement here: https://bit.ly/36ejU1r
Ben Bauer Announced as District Governor Nominee Designate (DG 2022-2023)
Ben Bauer
2019-10-29 05:00:00Z |
Marsha Bushman and Dan Knoeck helped kick off our annual Rose Sale. (by having some fun, of course!). Roses will be for sale through November 14th and delivered on November 21st. Each dozen of roses costs $20 and that includes delivery in Marshfield! To order, just contact any Sunrise Rotarian or order your roses online at this link: https://bit.ly/2IQl2yw
It's Rose Sale Time!
Ben Bauer
2019-10-10 05:00:00Z |
Justin Casperson, Marshfield Parks & Rec. Director joined us for an update on the plans and fundraising efforts for the Marshfield Outdoor Aquatic Center. The project's vision is to provide a state-of-art public outdoor aquatic center that enhances health, fitness, water safety, and recreational opportunities in Marshfield. Thanks for joining us Justin! For more information, check out the links below:
Marshfield Outdoor Aquatic Center
Ben Bauer
2019-10-03 05:00:00Z |
Did you know?: UW-Stevens Point campuses have a $671 million impact on the Wisconsin economy? 92% of graduates live in WI 3 years after graduation. Chancellor Bernie Patterson presented at Sunrise Rotary to share the report on the economic impact of the University on Central Wisconsin. Check out the graphic below for some more of the data or you can see the complete report here. #PeopleOfAction#RotaryConnectsTheWorld
UW-Stevens Point Economic Impact Update
Ben Bauer
2019-09-26 05:00:00Z |
Deb Delie is a puppy raiser for the Leader Dogs program. She came to our meeting to introduce her current puppy, Bit-o-Honey, and share information on her role and the program. The Leader Dogs program raises and trains guide dogs to assist visually impaired individuals. Deb has trained 7 puppies. She picks the puppies up from Leader Dogs headquarters outside of Detroit when they are 7 weeks old. While she has the puppies, they go everywhere with her so they can experience all they might face in the world when they are acting as guides. They have a special day in Wausau where they visit the airport and take bus rides. They have even gone to the fire department to spend time with fire fighters in their full turn out gear so they know not to be afraid if a fire fighter ever needs to assist their owners! Thank you to Deb and Honey for coming to visit us!
Leader Dogs Visits Sunrise Rotary
Ben Bauer
2019-09-19 05:00:00Z |
We were joined by Dr. Bruce Krawisz for an interesting presentation on Climate Change. Dr. Krawisz shared lots of very interesting information about how weather happens, some historical trends and data and how all of this is relevant conversation to be aware of. Thanks for joining us!
Dr. Bruce Krawisz - Climate Change
Ben Bauer
2019-09-05 05:00:00Z |
 Beth Zarnke and her father Martin Wolf presented to us about their AgriVenture Summer Camp for youth grades 3-6, which provides a faith-based, hands-on learning experience in a farm setting. The purpose of the camp is to inspire, support and encourage youth to explore the wonders of nature, agriculture, and animals. The youth learn problem solving skills, have fun and get dirty while woodworking, exploring the woods, gardening, learning animal husbandry and various other activities. The camp runs 6 evenings in June and is staffed by volunteers including parents and grandparents who as Martin describes, also benefit tremendously from the experience, having almost as much fun as the children, and they leave feeling a connection to the children they supervised. Beth and Martin are also looking to grow their programs with youth by developing and planning a year-round after-school program in the coming years to allow children an opportunity to develop life skills in nature and on the farm. We thank them for sharing their vision with Sunrise Rotary!
AgriVenture Summer Camp
Ben Bauer
2019-08-29 05:00:00Z |
Laura Drendel and Pam Johnson from the Altrusa Club of Marshfield joined us to present on their project Days For Girls which is an international project that provides support for hygiene products to young girls in the world who previously were secluded, ridiculed and isolated simply for being a mature young woman who has a regular cycle. Sunrise Rotary is so impressed and thankful for what this group is doing, we also presented them with a check for $250 to help them with their efforts. Way to go Altrusa! Thanks for all you do!
Altrusa Club of Marshfield presents Days For Girls
Ben Bauer
2019-08-15 05:00:00Z |
 Melissa Breen, Chief of Staff of the Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS), spoke to us about the growth and plans MCHS is looking to achieve in the coming years. As a Wisconsin native, she appreciates being back "home" and enjoys her role communicating with audiences internal and external to the Health System. She described MCHS's expansion of inpatient care services through acquisitions of several hospitals, including St. Joseph's in Marshfield, and building others from the ground up, such as the now 1 year old Marshfield Medical Center - Eau Claire, and the hospital currently under construction in Minocqua. Talks between MCHS and Gundersen Health System leaders continue regarding a potential merger of the two health systems. The deal may take several years to come to fruition and will only proceed if MCHS leaders feel it is a good move for the patients, employees, and future of the Health System. Breen reconfirmed MCHS's dedication to serving and staying the Marshfield community.A plan has been submitted to the City of Marshfield for changes to take place to the Marshfield Campus over the next 10 years. The first visible change will be a new skywalk to connect the Hospital to the East Wing, which is expected to begin construction in the next several months.
Melissa Breen Gives Marshfield Clinic Update
Ben Bauer
2019-08-08 05:00:00Z |
This morning, Sunrise Rotary welcomed Stacey Schultz, Executive Director of Marshfield Area Community Foundation Inc. Stacey is driven by the mission of the foundation which is: " Connecting people who care with causes that matter to enrich the quality of life in the Marshfield area." Thanks for all that you do Stacey!
Sunrise Welcomes Stacey Schultz of Marshfield Area Community Foundation, Inc.
Ben Bauer
2019-08-01 05:00:00Z |
Tiffany Ringer, Wood County Register of Deeds joined Sunrise Rotary this morning. Local Government is pretty interesting and she’s doing some great things for the County to make processes easier with a focus on great service. The Register of Deeds office is responsible for maintaining records related to the following legal documents: Thanks for joining us Tiffany!
Wood Co. Register of Deeds, Tiffany Ringer, Joins Sunrise
Ben Bauer
2019-07-18 05:00:00Z |
Marshfield Rotary Winter Wonderland donated $15,000 to both Soup or Socks and St. Vincent De Paul food pantries. This is money that was raised from the free will admission at the park. A total of $40,000 was contributed back to local food pantries from the 2018 Rotary Winter Wonderland season.
Rotary Winter Wonderland Gives Back!
Ben Bauer
2019-07-18 05:00:00Z |
The Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club celebrated it’s annual Passing of the Gavel ceremony on Thursday. Dan Knoeck (President 2018-2019) passed leadership of the club on to Jenny King (President 2019-2020). Dan thanked the club for a great year in which the club completed many projects including one that rejuvenated local batting cages in collaboration with the Marshfield Noon Rotary, another successful Rotary Winter Wonderland Season, several local scholarships and countless other projects. Knoeck also recognized club leadership for their year of service. Jenny took the gavel and closed the meeting by introducing the new Board of Directors and shared some goals for her upcoming presidential year and the future of the club.
Sunrise Rotary Passes the Gavel
Ben Bauer
2019-06-27 05:00:00Z |
2018 Sunrise Rotary Rose Sale
Important Dates Sale Period: October 28th - November 8th Delivery: November 15th Thank you for your support!
Rose Sale 2018
Ben Bauer
2018-10-19 05:00:00Z |
This week's speaker was a friendly Funeral director named Ted Jackan of Rembs Funeral home. With dashing good looks and a mixture of charm and confidence that would put Frank Sinatra to shame. We realized that this wasn't a presentation, but more of a journey... He swept us off our Rotarian feet, and took us back in time... a time to die for. Ted's presentation carried us into the history of Rembs funeral which reaches all the way back to 1887. Being one of the oldest businesses in Marshfield, he brought this rich past to life with original photos and descriptions of what the "Undertaking and Furniture" business was like made for a truly fascinating presentation. During his presentation, he juxtaposed pictures from the original funeral home from its opening day in 1961 with how the building looks today from the same locations after its redesign. Touching on the most important part of the company, the caring a respectful staff was the focus on the latter part of the presentation. Together, the Rembs staff (which is mostly family) is more of a team and together are greater than the sum of their parts. Speaking about death is not a comfortable subject, but the presentation was light hearted, respectful and most importantly fun, which is key when presenting a topic so closely related to sadness.
Rembs Funeral Home
2018-04-17 05:00:00Z |
Eleanganny is a small community based around farming and small business in India’s Southeastern State of Tamil Nadu. Men and women work as laborers in the rice and sugarcane fields. Meeting the basic needs of each day takes precedence over planning for the future. The average annual family income is 800$. The average family has 3 children. Public Education in Eleanganny isn’t free, families must pay tuition and other fees to send their children to school. Education is the only way for the children in these rural communities to find more promising opportunities for their futures. Tuition Support is essential to improve access to existing education. Just 24$ per month could help a child through a year of High School! A one time donation or the commitment to provide ongoing financial support can make a world of difference for a child’s future. Your gift of any amount can help a child have a brighter future!
For One Child of India
2018-04-03 05:00:00Z |
Introducing, Leadership Marshfield, Class of 2018! The project name is PRESENTS 4 PARENTS which includes the following team members; Mary Sue Kauer (a fellow Rotarian), Tammy Beil, Kristen Dean and Barb Kuhn. They launched their project last Christmas, serving the Marshfield Area Community Center for Outreach’s Youth Net program. Prior to their event, the leadership group collected merchandise donations and gift wrapping supplies from the community. They also received monetary donations from local businesses. On December 18th, 2017 they set up what’s called a “pop-up shop” at the Youth Net site. As the children came into the “shop” they were given a ticket to trade for a present for Mom and/or Dad. The gifts were set up on tables according to which parent they were “shopping” for. In addition, there was also a table where the Leadership Group could help the children wrap the gifts and put on a gift tag. Many of the children said this was the first time they had been able to give a gift to their parent and many had never even wrapped a present before! Presents 4 Parents drew inspiration from the Mission of the Rotary Foundation: “to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty”. The leadership group has found a unique way to uphold these Rotary values. As a team, they feel that providing low-income children an opportunity to give is essential to promoting a spirit of generosity and goodwill within families, and ultimately the world. Recently, the Board of Marshfield Sunrise Rotary has added Presents 4 Parents to our list of community projects to further assist this project in becoming a successful community service. When you see Mary Sue, please let her know how happy we are for her Leadership Marshfield project and share your excitement for Rotary’s involvement!
Presents 4 Parents
2018-03-19 05:00:00Z |
Greetings and Salutations! The Wine and Cheese event was a success! We had a wonderful turn out of both members and guests. The Market on 6th provided us with a much enjoyed sophisticated grouping of wine and cheese. The Valentines Wine and Cheese Social shaped up to be a delightful event! Club Avenue wants to extend gratefulness and thanks to everyone that participated in the holiday of love! Morning Affirmation Today I open my eyes to a brilliant new day of Light and Love. I focus on my highest good in everything I do. I will maintain peace and harmony within my inner being, and not allow outside circumstances to disturb my happiness. I honour my sacred life, and I am grateful for all that I have.
Sunrise Rotary Valentine Social
2018-02-13 06:00:00Z |
Marshfield Area Purple Angels is a new non-profit organization created to raise awareness about Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. They provide free services and support to people who have dementia and to those who care for them. Listed below are some of the services this new non-profit is providing to the Marshfield area: Purple Angels Memory Cafe: Come and enjoy interesting music and fun activities the first Thursday of each month at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Dementia Friendly Marshfield: a dementia-friendly community is a place where people living with dementia are given the support they need in order to live a high quality life with meaning, purpose and value. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is promoting this initiative as part of the Wisconsin Dementia Care System Redesign. Marshfield Area Purple Angels has committed to lead this initiative in Marshfield.
For more information, visit http://www.dementiafriendlymarshfield.org. Sing along with Margaret (Music Therapy): Sing along with Margaret is a special project that brings meaningful music to people with Alzheimer's disease and advanced dementia. Doug Seubert, a certified dementia practitioner and music/activity specialist, facilitates both group and individual music sessions in local care facilities as well as in private homes. A free "sing along with Margaret" CD is also available to anyone who might benefit from the power of music. "Margie's House" (Respite Care): Marshfield Area Purple Angels plans to offer free respite care on evenings and weekends. Anyone with dementia or memory loss can stay with a trained care provider in a safe, comfortable, home setting. This allows family caregivers to get a break, to rest, to run errands, or to meet with friends. "Margies House" is scheduled to open in October 2017. Care giving Classes and Support Groups: Marshfield Area Purple Angels offers free care giving classes, workshops, and support groups for family caregivers. For more information about these and other available programs, visit http://www.marshfieldpurpleangels.org, call Doug at 715-282-0897 or e-mail doug@marshfieldpurpleangels.org
Marshfield Area Purple Angels
2017-07-25 05:00:00Z |
Rotary unites more than a million people. Through Rotary clubs, people from all continents and cultures come together to exchange ideas, and form friendships and professional connections while making a difference in their backyards and around the world. We transform communities by taking action locally and globally. Each day, our members pour their passion, integrity, and intelligence into completing projects that have a lasting impact. We persevere until we deliver real, lasting solutions. Rotary Causes: Promoting Peace Fighting Disease Providing Clean Water Saving Mothers and Children Educating Children Growing Local Economy Select the link below to learn about The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation pairing with Rotary in the commitment to end Polio!
2017-07-11 05:00:00Z |
The Marshfield Career Closet is actively looking for any lightly used professional, casual or new clothing. We are a subcommittee of United Way and have a permanent clothing bin for you donating convenience located at the Marshfield United Way office. The Career Closet also has three traveling bins, to find the location of these bins, simply like us on Facebook. Please contact us if you wish to host a donation bin at your business. The Career Closet will be happy to make your involvement with our project easy, satisfying and tax deductible! All items will be circulated back into the our community, and given to those in need at no cost. Dressing well opens doors, donate today and help those in need open the door to opportunity.
The Marshfield Career Closet
2017-06-27 05:00:00Z |
Meet Gary, an adventurer, volunteer and fellow Rotarian. It is no mistake Gary came to speak with Rotarians on June 1st, International Children’s Day. He began his journey with Catholic Relief Services (CRS), some years back and has traveled the world sharing his agricultural knowledge with underprivileged countries to better the lives of children around the world. His volunteer time was increasingly focused on agroenterprise programming, which beyond increasing productivity, focused on the skills and conditions necessary to add value to farm produce and connect farmers to higher value markets. Gary volunteers Agricultural Advancement Seminars to villagers and farmers spanning the country side through Ecuador, Mexico and Nicaragua. He believes teaching farmers the importance of feeding their live stock nutrient based food will improve the nutrient in the milk and other animal products supplied to the community. The higher nutrient value provided to the children, the healthier they will be. Gary recently purchased a hotel in Ecuador for volunteers to stay at while volunteering. He calls this opportunity MAVVI. follows is a link on how you can become an adventurer and volunteer.
Gary Ruesgsegger introduces MAVVI
2017-06-04 05:00:00Z |
We will meet at the “turtle” mound behind the library. Work to be done includes cleaning off dead vegetation, and picking up trash. You might want to bring a pruner, serrated knife, gloves, and rake, if you have them. I could also use a few folks to bring a 30 gallon trash barrel to move debris from mounds to pick ups. Could also use one more pickup or trailer to haul trash to dump. If you have a pick up or trailer available, please let Phil Phillips know ASAP. - See more at: https://portal.clubrunner.ca/6914/Event/rotary-at-work-day#sthash.uOe4m1GH.dpuf
Rotary At Work Day - 2017
Phil Phillips
2017-04-24 05:00:00Z |
It is that time of year again for Marshfield Sunrise Rotary to begin accepting scholarship
applications. Once again we will be awarding a total of 5 scholarships in the areas of:
1). Work Based Learning Scholarship (2 @ $500 each)
2). Service Above Self Scholarship (2 @ $500 each)
3). New Horizon Scholarship (1 @ $1000)
For scholarship details select the link below:
For more information and/or application forms on any of the above scholarships please
contact Sara Schueller at 715-387- 1161 or fredrickj@marshfieldschools.org
A Bright Future
2017-03-06 06:00:00Z |
MACY was formed in 1990 by the local community to promote positive youth development. The group's current focus is prevention of underage drinking, prescription drug abuse, heroin and youth mental health disparities. MACY's membership is over 200 individuals representing more than 40 organizations. MACY is working with the Marshfield Clinic in coordinating prescription drug collections. If you or someone you know needs a place to dispose of unused prescription medications please bring your medication to the Marshfield Police Department, they have a permanent site for drop off. As of today the Marshfield Police Department has safely disposed of 9,564 lb. of prescription medication!
Marshfield Area Coalition For Youth (MACY)
2017-02-13 06:00:00Z |
Vital Signs
2017-01-31 06:00:00Z |
Tear it down at Winter Wonderland on the 21st of January beginning at 8 a.m. A hot lunch will be served.
Ronald McDonald Make a Meal: January 19th 2017
Join Rotary members in preparing Chili
5:00 p.m. Ronald McDonald House
Join in serving others.
Community Projects January 2017
2017-01-17 06:00:00Z |
12 Months happiness, 52 weeks fun,
365 Days laughter, 8760 hrs good luck,
525600 Minutes joy, 31536000 seconds success,
Wishing you a Happy New Year.
Happy New Years 2017!
Andrea Jackan
2017-01-03 06:00:00Z |
Every Saturday evening beginning November 26, horse drawn wagon rides will be available around the scenic display of lights. Bring 16 of your closest friends and family for a cozy sleigh ride. Wagons depart from the North parking lot. Cuddle up under warm blankets for 20 minute rides, which run from 6-8pm every Saturday. Free of Charge.
Each Thursday, Marshall Mallard will be hidden in a new location. Check out Marshfield News-Herald on Thursdays and Fridays for clues. Find Marshall in the Zoo; fill out an entry form found in the back of the program book or within the Zoo, then place it in the duck decoy box at the North Entrance. A weekly winner will receive various prizes donated from community businesses and there will be a grand prize drawing at the end of the season.
Duffy Aircraft will be conducting flights over Rotary Winter Wonderland on select nights and times, with various group and pricing options, when accompanied by food donations to benefit Winter Wonderland. To schedule an appointment or to request more information, visit www.duffysaircraft.com.
Visit mainstreetmarshfield.com for other exciting community events and hotel packages!
Winter Wonderland
2016-12-06 06:00:00Z |
Matt McLean of the Marshfield Convention & Visitors Bureau and Brian Sauer of the Vox Concert Series shared a program with some of the very exciting things coming to Marshfield in the near future. Matt informed us of some exciting conventions and events that have been booked for 2017-2018 including the State Square Dancing Championship, National Fur Trappers Convention and the 2018 Farm Technology Days. Brian then gave us exciting new news about the Vox Concert Series' fundraising efforts for the renovation of their new building in downtown Marshfield. From the time Brian gave his presentation to our club to the time that you'll be reading this surpassed their fundraising goal by thousands of dollars and are already into phase two of the fundraising efforts including HVAC upgrades. For more information, please visit www.visitmarshfield.com or www.voxconcertseries.com.
October 20th Program - Marshfield C.V.B & Vox Concert Series
Ben Bauer
2016-10-25 05:00:00Z |
Marsha and Branden kicked off our annual rose sale with some rose trivia and all the fun details about this year's sale. Remember, this is our biggest club fundraiser and any help you can provide to the club in selling roses is very appreciated and helps us accomplish all of the great things our club can do. We ask that each member have a goal of selling 20 dozen roses. If you'd prefer to write a check for the profit of any roses you don't sell, that is certainly an option as well. There will be lots of help with delivery to the Clinic, SHP and MCIS as well as others helping with delivery all over town. Some helpful sales tools will be on their way to you soon including tally sheets and flyers. Any questions, please contact Branden or Marsha and have fun selling!
October 13th Program - Rose Sale Kickoff
Ben Bauer
2016-10-18 05:00:00Z |
Adopt-A-Highway cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, October 15th at 8:00am. Volunteers can meet at the corner of Highway 10 and Fairhaven Ave. If you're able to help, please contact Kevin Fischer. This is also the first day of Rotary Winter Wonderland setup, so the more people we have help with highway cleanup, the earlier we can get to the zoo to help! Thank you!
Fall Adopt-A-Highway Scheduled
Kevin Fischer
2016-10-05 05:00:00Z |
Catie Eaton (daughter of our very own Susan Eaton) joined Sunrise Rotary to share her experience at World Youth Day. World Youth Day is a worldwide encounter with the Pope which is typically celebrated every three years in a different country. The one Catie and countless others attended was held in held in Krakow, Poland in 2016. For more information on World Youth Day, click here!
September 29th Program - World Youth Day in Poland - Catie Eaton
2016-10-03 05:00:00Z |
Dr. Mark Borchardt shared a program about an issue that affects him personally as well as a couple fellow Rotarians. While opinions may vary on the topic it was informative nonetheless. For more information on "80 Feet is Enough" and what this group is trying to bring attention to, please visit their website.
September 22nd Program - 80 Feet is Enough - Pipeline Expansion, Dr. Mark Borchardt
2016-09-26 05:00:00Z |
Frank Frasetto joined us to share some info on all of the services his department provides to Wisconsinites. He also covered a very hot topic right now with some info on credit card skimming and what you can do to protect yourself from this type of theft. For more information, visit the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection website at https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Homepage.aspx
September 15th Program - Cybersecurity & Other Resources - Frank Frasetto, WI Div of Consumer Protection
2016-09-16 05:00:00Z |
Karen Piel, Rikki Starich & Teri Wilczek of the Development team at Marshfield Clinic gave us a fantastic program sharing some information on the exciting events coming up celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Marshfield Clinic. They also shared some exciting news about the new Marshfield Clinic Health System Foundation. There's a lot happening at Marshfield Clinic as they continue to grow and serve our community. For more information, visit www.marshfieldclinic.org
September 1st Program - Marshfield Clinic Health System updates: 100th Anniversary & New Foundation
2016-09-02 05:00:00Z |

We would like to invite you and members of your Rotary Club to participate in our event, to mark the 100th year of The Rotary Foundation, “Ride for Rotary-TRF Centennial Expedition”.
This event blends 14 days of International Fellowship, trekking, incredible sightseeing, cultural evenings with Indian music and dance, with well thought off cuisines.
All these start off, with participants getting flagged off from the “Heritage city” of Mysore. Participants travel on motorcycles for next 14 days, with an average travel of 160kms per day. They touch the most beautiful and historically important places to complete the expedition.
The expedition is open for all Rotarians and Rotractors.
Proceeds from this event will go to “The Rotary Foundation”.
Click Here For More Details!
TRF Centennial Motorcycle Expedition
2016-09-02 05:00:00Z |
August 25th Program - JJ's Bakery
Brianna Nikolai of JJ's Bakery joined Sunrise Rotary with some fantastic samples and a very interesting program about how she got into the industry and what makes JJ's special. One very interesting fact being that they essentially have 2 different bakery's, one traditional and one gluten free. The requirements of the gluten free product are so specific that they have to actually change clothes to avoid contamination. Thanks Brianna for the great program! For more info check out the JJ's Bakery facebook page.
August 25th Program - JJ's Bakery
2016-08-30 05:00:00Z |
August 4th Program - Marshfield Street Referendum
Tom Buttke, Ed Wagner and Gordy Earl stopped in to talk about the state of the roads in Marshfield and to shed some light on the upcoming Marshfield Street Referendum.
August 4th Program - Marshfield Street Referendum
2016-08-09 05:00:00Z |
Bob Dux's Last Meeting
Charter member, Bob Dux said an official goodbye to Marshfield Sunrise Rotary last week. Bob was one of the original 6 people that met and brought the idea of a new Rotary club to Marshfield. Bob has served many positions on various committees as well as the board over the year and not only will we miss his experience and knowledge as a long-time Rotarian, but we will also miss his humor, friendliness and warm desire to help our club and community. His daughter spoke highly of him at our meeting last week and she is absolutely right that Bob's integrity and ability to do good in the world are amazing characteristics and we wish him the best of luck in his move to Weston to be closer to family. Thank you for everything Bob and happy trails!
Bob Dux's Last Meeting
2016-08-02 05:00:00Z |
July 28th Meeting - Bring Your Kids to Rotary!
Thank you to all of the kids and grandkids that joined us at Rotary last week! It's always great to get to know our fellow Rotarians and their families better and it was nice to hear all of the amazing things you had to say about each other. We felt the love!
July 28th Meeting - Bring Your Kids to Rotary!
2016-08-02 05:00:00Z |
July 21st Program - Colonel Doug Nikolai - Habits of Honor & Patriotism

Colonel Nikolai gave us a motivating program encouraging us all to create habits of honor and patriotism for our country and fellow citizens. A Marshfield native, Colonel Nikolai received his commission from the United States Air Force Academy in 1989. He has extensive combat, tactical, and operational experience with more than 2,800 flying hours, including more than 260 combat hours earned during Operations SOUTHERN WATCH and IRAQI FREEDOM.
His assignments have included the following duties: F-16 Weapons Instructor Course Pilot, Flight Examiner, Flight Commander, Assistant Operations Officer, Chief of Wing Weapons and Tactics, Chief of Squadron Standardization and Evaluation, Chief of 11 Air Force Weapons and Tactics, Operations Officer, Director of Staff, F-16 Squadron Commander and Deputy Group Commander. Prior to assuming his current position, he served as Chief of the Weapon Systems Liaison Division of the Secretary of the Air Force's Legislative Liaison Office, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
July 21st Program - Colonel Doug Nikolai - Habits of Honor & Patriotism
2016-07-26 05:00:00Z |
July 14th Program - India Festival
Dennis Boucher joined us to help spread the word of an upcoming event, the India Festiva at Marshfield High School!
MAIN EVENTS: 4:30-6pm - India Meal Buffet, adults $15.00, children under 10, $6.00 6-7pm - India Dancers from Marshfield, Stevens Point, Chicago and the Twin Cities WORKSHOPS: 4-4:30pm - Bollywood Dance Instruction 4:30-5pm - Yoga Instruction 5-5:30pm - India Spices 5:30-6pm - India Wedding BOOTHS: Ongoing events from 4pm to 6:30pm India Clothing for Sale India Spices for Sale Henna Painting (donation) Photo Booth - Dress up in India Apparel (donation) Trip 2017 Information Upcoming Goals India Mission Joy Mother Teresa Presentation Kingfisher Beer Booth Silent Auction Items India Childrens Games Area . . . and so much more!
July 14th Program - India Festival
2016-07-19 05:00:00Z |
Sergeant at Arms Happenings in July

July is Rotarians Have Talent Month! Show your fellow Rotarians how talented you truly are. We would like to see two or three Rotarians show off their talent at each of the next three meetings (July 14, 21, and 28th). Last year, we witnessed some great talents of quilting, jumping on a pogo stick, and gardening. No need to sign up. Just come to the meeting, ready to show us your stuff!
In addition, July 28th will be “Bring your Kids to Rotary” day. We would love to meet all of your pre-school age, school age, college age, or adult children that are in town or out of school for the day. Let’s introduce our children to Rotary, and this great organization. Maggie from the Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum will be our speaker on that day. If you are bringing your child(ren), please provide a count to Susan Eaton by July 25th so the Holiday Inn can plan accordingly.
Have an Awesome Day!
Sergeant at Arms Happenings in July
2016-07-14 05:00:00Z |
July 7th Program - International Avenue Update!
Jane Wagner along with some special guests (Kinga our former inbound exchange student, and Brady our current outbound exchange student) and some fellow Rotarians gave a great program informing the club about all of the amazing things our International Avenue of Service does. Thank you Jane for all of the great things you do for our club and International Avenue!
July 7th Program - International Avenue Update!
2016-07-12 05:00:00Z |
June 23rd Program - Pathway Partners - Beth Albee
Former Sunrise Rotarian Beth Albee joined us and gave us an update on the Pathway Partners program which is a United Way Partner Program which connects business professionals with students providing mentoring expderience, pairing people that have similar interests and desired career paths. Beth also brought with her 2 of the 3 students that received the Pathway Partners Scholarship which is sponsored by Sunrise Rotary! For more information on Pathway Partners click here!
June 23rd Program - Pathway Partners - Beth Albee
2016-06-28 05:00:00Z |
June 23rd Program - Pathway Partners
Beth Albee, Director of Pathway Partners joined us to give some background on this great United Way Partner Program that has been around since 1999. Along with Beth were two students who participated in the program and were Pathway Partners scholarship winners which were funded by Sunrise Rotary. Please see the below letter with more information on the scholarship winners!
June 23rd Program - Pathway Partners
2016-06-23 05:00:00Z |
June 9th Program - Ben Donahue / RYLA
Ben Donahue was one of the students we sponsored to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) camp in Wisconsin Dells this spring. Ben and his father Jim joined Sunrise Rotary while Ben shared his RYLA experience with the club. Ben shared some thoughts about his experience of meeting new people and the entire weekend being a memorable one that introduced him to some new friends and opened his eyes to some of the great things Rotary is doing in the world. For a quick preview of the RYLA experience, check out this video!
June 9th Program - Ben Donahue / RYLA
2016-06-13 05:00:00Z |
Host Families Needed
Linda Cerna, a Rotaract member from Honduras has recently gained employment to work at the Marshfield Agricultural Research Station near Stratford from April to mid-August, 2017. She is in need of a place to stay for her 4-month stay in the Marshfield area and we'd like to find 2-4 families that would be willing to host Linda during her stay with Rotarian hospitality! Darla Leick has opened her home to Linda and will also be coordinating any other families that may be open to hosting. For more information or to sign up to host Linda, please contact Darla Leick at dleick@msn.com
From Linda:
"I believe that Rotary inculcates the training of professional leaders in their work and their community through fellowship and community service at local and international levels. In the past, with the Rotaract Club I'm part with (of), we have been helping several communities that are in need. I'm very happy to be part of the Rotarian Family.
My hobbies, I like reading (no specific theme), I also do horseback riding since 2009, I know certain and few cooking like Sopa de Tortilla, which is a traditional Mexican food, although I'm from Honduras my sister-in-law taught me how to do it. I also like traveling. I became aware about the Research Station since last year, I went with my cousin to the Dairy Expo, we went visiting several farms and the Research became one of my favorites, I sent an email that I wanted to do my internship and they accepted me for Summer next year. For my future, short-term I will like doing my master's degree, this could be in the States or also at Europe, there's one university located at Poland which has the program I'm in love with, and the best part it is not expensive, it is almost like 4,000 euros the year. Obviously, still being part of the Rotary Family. For long-term, I will like working abroad, unfortunately, the high quality work is not well paid in here in my country. I do think we need to do some changes in our life in order to be successful."
Thank you for your consideration!
Host Families Needed
2016-06-13 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Friendship Exchange
Interested in participating in a Rotary Friendship Exchange?

What is Rotary Friendship Exchange?
- An international exchange program for Rotarians and Rotary couples.
- It provides participants with the opportunity to experience other cultures by staying in the homes of Rotarians, visiting their clubs and participating in the life style/activities of their communities.
The goals of the exchange are:
- To advance international understanding and peace through visits across borders.
- To promote interclub relationships, fellowships and service projects.
The Rotarians participating gain the opportunity to make long lasting friendships while exploring different areas of the world.
Dr. David Clemens from Wisconsin Dells is a Rotarian right here in District 6250 that has started discussion of organizing at least two trips this year through RFE. If you would like to be on his email list and give input on places all over the world where you could participate in RFE, please contact Dr. Clemens at drdave@dellsdental.net
Rotary Friendship Exchange
2016-06-08 05:00:00Z |
Passing The Gavel Ceremony
Reminder: There is no morning meeting this week (June 30th, 2016) as we'll hold our annual passing the gavel ceremony at West 14th.
Please join us at 5:30 for drinks and social time. Dinner will be served at 6:30 followed by our program. Rotarians who are joining us Thursday night will have the opportunity to pay for your meal that evening via check, cash or credit card. You could also elect to pay via your next quarterly dues invoice.

Passing The Gavel Ceremony
2016-06-06 05:00:00Z |
MACCI Accepting Leadership Marshfield Applications
MACCI Is Accepting Applications for the 2016-17 Leadership Marshfield program. Sunrise Rotary sponsors one participant in Leadership Marshfield each year. Is this year your year? If so, please contact Sara Schueller about applying today!
A list of monthly program dates is also available and participants are required to be in attendance each month.
Class size is limited and the application deadline is August 1st.
If you have any questions please contact Debbie Bauer at MACCI, (715) 384-3454.
MACCI Accepting Leadership Marshfield Applications
2016-06-06 05:00:00Z |
June 2nd Program - Jenni Fredrick - Leadership Marshfield
Jenni Fredrick was the recipient of our club's annual sponsorship of one member from the club to participate in Leadership Marshfield. Jenni prepared a great presentation sharing lots of information about Leadership Marshfield and her project which was the Downtown Wine Walk. The Wine Walk went so well that there are already plans in the works for next years event with hopes to make it bigger and better! Thank you for the great presentation Jenni!
June 2nd Program - Jenni Fredrick - Leadership Marshfield
2016-06-06 05:00:00Z |
May 26th Program - Dr. Laura Lee - UW Marshfield/Wood Co.
Dr. Laura Lee from UW. Marshfield / Wood County joined us with a very interesting program on Invasive Species in Wisconsin. Her presentation shared lots of information on both plant and animal life that have been introduced both on accident and by design which have now become problematic. One that we've had lots of experience with is the Buckthorn which we've put efforts into removing at the wetland area next to Marshfield High School. Thank you Dr. Lee for a very interesting program!
May 26th Program - Dr. Laura Lee - UW Marshfield/Wood Co.
2016-05-31 05:00:00Z |
Red Nose Day - May 26th
Sunrise Rotary will be taking part in Red Nose Day. It’s funny, and fun! People across the country are wearing Red Noses and organizing FUN-raisers all to help kids who need it most. Half of the money distributed by Red Nose Day 2016 will be spent right here in the U.S. The other half will be spent in some of the poorest communities in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. All money raised supports projects that ensure kids are safe, healthy, and educated. We'll be selling the red noses and necklaces at our next couple meetings so bring a few extra dollars cash and let's have some fun and raise some money for a great cause!
Red Nose Day - May 26th
2016-05-18 05:00:00Z |
May 12th Program - Dan Baumann WI DNR
Dan Baumann from the Wisconsin DNR shared a very interesting program describing his position and the DNR's role as an agency with a variety of roles and responsibilities within the state. Thank you so much for the information Dan!
May 12th Program - Dan Baumann WI DNR
2016-05-18 05:00:00Z |
May 5th Program - QPR - Center for Community Outreach
The Center for Community Outreach at Marshfield Clinic assists in developing healthy environments that foster resilient, successful children, youth and families; serves as a catalyst for program design and development; and provides technical assistance and consultation, education, training and resources. Specifically, their program was about QPR (QPR stands for Question, Persuade and Refer) as a means for recognizing and acting with someone exhibiting suicide warning signs and behaviors. For more information on QPR or the Center for Community Outreach, please visit www.marshfieldclinic.org/services/center-for-community-outreach
May 5th Program - QPR - Center for Community Outreach
2016-05-10 05:00:00Z |
April 28th Program - Lest We Forget Military Museum, Shirley Mook
Marshfield Noon Rotarian Shirley Mook along with Mike Fierer, joined us and gave a history on the conception, construction, relocation and growth of the Lest We Forget Military Museum in Marshfield. The museum is located in Thomas House and is described by many as a hidden gem in our city. The displays are all hand made and the amount of volunteer hours that went in the the construction of the museum are countless. Thank you to all involved in the creation and management of this great attraction that honors those who served our country.
April 28th Program - Lest We Forget Military Museum, Shirley Mook
2016-05-03 05:00:00Z |
April 14th Program - Rotary Winter Wonderland
Jenny King and Danielle Nystrom presented a great program on Rotary Winter Wonderland. They shared lots of information from how the event has grown over the last 10 years, what some of the primary volunteer needs are and how all of the work is getting done. If you're interested in volunteering in any way for Winter Wonderland or know of a group or company that would like to get involved as volunteers or sponsors, please contact Jenny or Danielle. volunteerrww@gmail.com
April 14th Program - Rotary Winter Wonderland
2016-04-19 05:00:00Z |
April 7th Program - Jim Coleman, Marshfield Clinic
Jim Coleman, COO of Marshfield Clinic joined us for our first April meeting this morning to share a strategic update as well as shed some light on some potential changes to the healthcare industry in our area and around the country. Thanks for the great program Jim!
April 7th Program - Jim Coleman, Marshfield Clinic
Ben Bauer
2016-04-11 05:00:00Z |
Scholarship Winners Announced
Congratulations to the following students for being awarded scholarships through Marshfield Sunrise Rotary:
Nick Stoflet - UW Platteville
Melissa Strupp - UW Madison
Michael Gui - UW Madison
Erin Mader - UW Green Bay
Joline Steele - UW Wood County/Marshfield
Scholarship Winners Announced
2016-04-05 05:00:00Z |
Scholarship Readers Needed
Sara Schueller is asking for your help in selecting our scholarship recipients for this year. Please contact Sara at sschueller@odcinc.com if you're able to help.
Scholarship Readers Needed
2016-04-05 05:00:00Z |
March 31st Program - Brady Granquist - Youth Exchange
Brady Granquist is our outbound Rotary Youth Exchange this year and soon he'll be off to Brazil for an unforgettable experience. Brady shared a presentation with us that will be similar to the one he'll give during his time in Brazil, educating people about himself, Marshfield, Wisconsin and the U.S.A. Thanks for the program Brady!
March 31st Program - Brady Granquist - Youth Exchange
Ben Bauer
2016-04-05 05:00:00Z |
March 17th Program - Staying Out of the Dog House
Sunrise Rotary had some four-legged guests this morning! They were more well behaved than some of our Rotarians. Thanks to the Marshfield Police Department and Dan Leonard for the great program!
March 17th Program - Staying Out of the Dog House
Ben Bauer
2016-03-21 05:00:00Z |
March 10th Program - Shirley's House of Hope
Julie Cravillion of Shirley's House of Hope shared the powerful message of what Shirley's House of Hope is doing for people who need so much at a time of abuse. They are working towards a capital campaign goal and are fundraising throughout the year. For more information on Shirley's House of Hope, please visit www.shirleyshouseofhope.org
March 10th Program - Shirley's House of Hope
2016-03-15 05:00:00Z |
Spring Adopt-A-Highway Scheduled
Join us for our Adopt-A-Highway cleanup which is scheduled for April 16 th, at 8:00 am. We'll clean our usual stretch of Highway 10. Meet at HWY 10 & Fairhaven Road intersection. Please let Kevin Fischer know if you're available to help. kfischer@staabco.com
Spring Adopt-A-Highway Scheduled
Kevin Fischer
2016-03-04 06:00:00Z |
February 25th Program - Leadership Marshfield & PDC
Members of this year's MACCI Leadership Marshfield class educated us on Personal Development Center (PDC). They shared everything from the organization's history to how it's helping local families in difficult situations and they also shared some information on their upcoming Block Party fundraiser this summer. For more information on PDC, please visit their website at www.pdcmarshfield.com
February 25th Program - Leadership Marshfield & PDC
Ben Bauer
2016-02-29 06:00:00Z |
February 18th Program - Big Brothers Big Sisters
Heidi Gorblirsch shared a program with us on Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Wood County. In addition to a great need for "Bigs", BBBS is asking the community to support Bowl for Kids’ Sake, the mentoring organization’s biggest annual fundraiser, which raises money needed to pair volunteer mentors with children who face adversity in staff-supported, long-term mentoring friendships. The event will take place on Saturday, Feb. 27, from 12-3 p.m. at Rose Bowl Lanes in Marshfield. Team captain preregistration will be available from 12-7 p.m. at the BBBS office on Feb. 26 and from 11-11:45 a.m. at Rose Bowl on Feb. 27. This year’s event will feature a Peter Pan theme, complete with themed raffles, balloon swords, and special photo opportunities with Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, and Captain Hook.
Donor funds enable BBBS to provide careful mentor matching and ongoing staff support that keeps one-to-one relationships going strong, which helps youth overcome adversity and achieve lifelong success. As the nation’s largest mentoring network, the organization holds itself accountable for helping children achieve positive measurable outcomes, including educational success, avoidance of risky and delinquent behaviors, improved relationships, higher aspirations, and greater confidence.
February 18th Program - Big Brothers Big Sisters
Ben Bauer
2016-02-21 06:00:00Z |
John Wing Visits Rotary Club One in Chicago
On February 16th, Sunrise Rotarian John Wing attended a meeting at Rotary Club One as a guest of Pancho Nunez. In 1905, Paul Harris, Silvester Schiele, Gustavus Loehr and Hiram Shorey organized their first meetings in each others' offices, switching off each meeting at a different office location. Thus, the "Rotary" Club was born, only a few blocks from the Rotary Club of Chicago's current meeting place. Today, the Rotary Club of Chicago boasts over 200 members who continue to meet on a weekly basis, a dedicated Foundation (the ROTARY/One Foundation, Inc.), a vibrant calendar of guest speakers, and strong participation in service projects both in Chicago and across the world, the Rotary Club of Chicago is carrying forward the traditions and values that were first founded here over 110 years ago.
John Wing Visits Rotary Club One in Chicago
Ben Bauer
2016-02-16 06:00:00Z |
Board Meeting Reschedule
Due to the heavy involvement in Xtreme Xploration (Thank you to all volunteers!), our board meeting has been rescheduled to next Tuesday, February 16th at 7:00am in the meeting room at Di Lucas. See you there!
Board Meeting Reschedule
2016-02-09 06:00:00Z |
Getting to Know Club Avenue
Marsha Bushman has put together a fantastic program that will cover 2 weeks of programs. We kicked it off by starting to talk about where we are now as a club and will continue that discussion as well as some planning for the future at this week's meeting. Please join us in future planning for our club!
Getting to Know Club Avenue
2016-02-09 06:00:00Z |
January 28th Program - Steve Burns, Wildwood Park & Zoo
Steve Burns from Wildwood Park & Zoo joined us this morning to give us an update on the new Kodiak Bears, Wolves and many other great things happening at he Zoo. Thanks for joining us Steve!
January 28th Program - Steve Burns, Wildwood Park & Zoo
Ben bauer
2016-01-31 06:00:00Z |
2nd Annual Bowlathon Scheduled
Sunrise Rotary will host our Bowlathon at Rose Bowl Lanes on April 15th, 2016 with a Social hour at 5PM and bowling starting at 6PM. More details will come in the next couple weeks, but at this stage we are looking for help in 3 key areas. Ideally each of the 3 areas of need can have a committee of 4-6 people to help drive this event. They are as follows:
Prizes: We need help soliciting a grand prize to be sold as a 52/104 card raffle (TV, Packer Tickets, free weekend in the dells, ect) as well as finding 6-8 smaller items for basket raffles. Connections to any large or small prizes would be appreciated.
Teams: Rosebowl can support up to 24 teams to fill their lanes. Obviously the more people in the door the more money we can raise. Please consider a team yourself or consider being on a committee to help solicit teams.
Lane Sponsors: We need 4-6 people to help solicit lane sponsors. Each sponsor gets a sign on a lane. This is the easiest money we can make at the event as every dollar raised via sponsorship goes directly to our club. They are sold at $100/sponsor. The difference between a small committee soliciting 20 sponsors or a bigger committee finding 40 sponsors is huge!
If you can help in any of these 3 areas whether it's donating a prize, seeking out a sponsor for a prize or a lane sponsorship or sigining up a team to bowl, please email Pat Gall. Please consider joining 1 of these committees and helping this even
2nd Annual Bowlathon Scheduled
Ben Bauer
2016-01-26 06:00:00Z |
Hot Chocolate 5k a success!
What an AWESOME turnout at the Hot Chocolate 5k! We had fantastic weather and the runners got a quick show running through Marshfield Rotary Winter Wonderland Angie Eloranta and the Main Street Marshfield staff did an excellent job orchestrating the event! Our volunteer time and efforts contributed to the event resulted in a $458.15 contribution to the Marshfield Sunrise Rotary club for our Polio Plus Fund! Thank you to all the Rotarians who signed up to volunteer and/or participate.
Hot Chocolate 5k a success!
Ben Bauer
2015-12-14 06:00:00Z |
December 3rd Program - Jessica Lemoine - Science-Marshfield Senior High
Jessica LeMoine (wife of Sunrise Rotarian Rany LeMoine) shared a wonderful presentation about the STEM programming at Marshfield Senior High. The program offers a very eye-opening experience for students, allowing them to get hands-on experience in a growing field. The students get the opportunity to learn more about the field and potentially make real life decisions about education or career paths in Science and Engineering.
December 3rd Program - Jessica Lemoine - Science-Marshfield Senior High
Ben Bauer
2015-12-07 06:00:00Z |
October 22nd Program - James Peterson - Boy Scouts of America
James Peterson is a district executive with Boy Scouts of America and he presented an update on the Samoset Council including some background on Camp Tesomas which is one of the most nationally recognized camps in the entire Boy Scouts of America camp system. For more information on the Samoset Council or Camp Tesomas visit www.samoset.org. James also informed us of a new initiative called STEM Scouts. STEM is part of an initiative the Boy Scouts of America has taken on to encourage the natural curiosity of youth members and their sense of wonder about these fields through existing programs. From archery to welding, Scouts can't help but enjoy the wide range of STEM-related activities. To support this initiative, the BSA developed the Nova Awards program so that youth members have fun and receive recognition for their efforts. For more information on STEM Scouts, visit http://www.scouting.org/stem/AboutSTEM.aspx
October 22nd Program - James Peterson - Boy Scouts of America
Ben Bauer
2015-10-16 05:00:00Z |
October 15th Program - Vital Signs - Amber Kiggens-Leifheit & Paula Jero
Amber and Paula presented the results of their annual Vital Signs report which communicates the economic and social health of the Marshfield area community. Vital Signs is a collaboration between the City of Marshfield, Marshfield Area Community Foundation and the Marshfield Area United Way. For the full report, click here. Thank you Amber and Paula for informing our club of all of this great data!
October 15th Program - Vital Signs - Amber Kiggens-Leifheit & Paula Jero
Ben Bauer
2015-10-16 05:00:00Z |
September 24th Program - Rose Sale Kickoff
The 2016 Rose Sale was kicked off and this year we'll be doing a Deal-or-No Deal theme which will give everyone the opportunity at several great prizes. Remember, this is our biggest club fundraiser and any help you can provide to the club in selling roses is very appreciated and helps us accomplish all of the great things our club can do. We ask that each member have a goal of selling 20 dozen roses. If you'd prefer to write a check for the profit of any roses you don't sell, that is certainly an option as well. There will be lots of help with delivery to the Clinic, SHP and MCIS as well as others helping with delivery all over town. Any questions, please contact Branden or Marsha and have fun selling!
September 24th Program - Rose Sale Kickoff
Ben Bauer
2015-09-25 05:00:00Z |
September 17th Program - Dan & Mary Beth Knoeck - Marshfield Area United Way Drive Chairs
When United Way approached the Knoecks about lending their time and talents to support the effort, their first reaction was, “Why us?” But, It didn’t take long for either of them to realize that leading the annual campaign had little to do with them, and everything to do with supporting United Way’s work and the community that they love. Dan & Mary Beth shared a powerful video and shared some personal stories of the needs they've seen in their brief time as drive chairs. For more information on the Marshfield Area United Way, please visit their website, www.marshfieldareaunitedway.org.
September 17th Program - Dan & Mary Beth Knoeck - Marshfield Area United Way Drive Chairs
Ben Bauer
2015-09-22 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Packer Night
Join us at the Lumberyard for the Packers Monday night game vs. the Chiefs! Bring family and friends and enjoy some fellowship, food and drink while we enjoy the game. We'll start to gather at 7:15 and the game starts at 7:30. If you plan on attending, please join the facebook event. See you there!
Rotary Packer Night
Ben Bauer
2015-09-08 05:00:00Z |
September 3rd Program - Heidi Fish - Ronald McDonald House
Heidi Fish is a board member of the Ronald McDonald House and shared an amazing personal experience which really showed the truly amazing things that Ronald McDonald House does. She shared a powerful video about her story, you can watch the video by clicking here. She also shared some info about their upcoming events including the Cranberry Century Bike Tour and "The Night that Love Built". For more information on Ronald McDonald House and their upcoming events, visit their website www.rmhc-marshfield.org
September 3rd Program - Heidi Fish - Ronald McDonald House
Ben Bauer
2015-09-04 05:00:00Z |
August 27th Program - Al Labelle, DAV
Al Labelle, Wisconsin Legislative Director of DAV (Disabled American Veterans) joined Sunrise Rotary and gave a presentation that gave some excellent insight on Operation: Keep the Promise, what DAV is and what they do. DAV is a 4-Star charity charitynavigator.org and provides great services to veterans including rides to and from medical visits to VA hospitals. Al also touched on the recent news the VA medical system has been getting. For more information, connect with Al at their chapter website.
August 27th Program - Al Labelle, DAV
Ben Bauer
2015-09-01 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Friendship Exchange - September 2015 with D3850 Philippines
Darla Leick is inviting any Sunrise Rotarian (and guest) to attend a dinner with our guests at her house on Friday night September 18th. The remainder of the itinerary can be seen by reading this full story. You will see that on the top of the itinerary I note that if any Rotarian is interested in donating money toward the pizza or picnic or sponsoring a $25 ticket for the Arts event, that would be great. Please let Darla know if you can help in any way.
Rotary Friendship Exchange - September 2015 with D3850 Philippines
Ben Bauer
2015-08-25 05:00:00Z |
Give Polio The Finger! - End Polio Now
Order your Give Polio The Finger T-Shirt today! We'll be collecting orders for t-shirts through our September 3rd meeting.
The Give Polio The Finger campaign is a project that was started at PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) in March and is a District 6250 wide effort to generate funds for the district's Polio Plus Fund. With Africa just recently being declared Polio free, now is the time for the final push to take care of the last two countries in the world with this terrible disease (Afghanistan & Pakistan). For more information on the Give Polio The Finger effort, please visit www.givepoliothefinger.com.
We'll be planning a club event for our October 22nd club meeting ahead of the celebration of World Polio Day on October 24th. To order your shirt make sure and sign up on the clipboard at our next club meeting or email Marsha Bushman. Available sizes are Small - XXX Large.
Give Polio The Finger! - End Polio Now
Ben Bauer
2015-08-25 05:00:00Z |
Vox Concert Food Donation
Rotarian Darla Leick and her husband Brian were at the Vox Concert on August 20th and the weather cleared up just in time for a great show. The music and crowd were wonderful and as you can see by the photo a very nice collection of food was taken in. Thanks for helping Darla!
Vox Concert Food Donation
Ben Bauer
2015-08-25 05:00:00Z |
RI Launches 'Rotary Global Rewards'
Rotary International has launched a great new rewards program that allows members to take advantage of great discounts at many hotels and retail centers worldwide. Rotary Global Rewards: The good you do comes back to you. Explore the discounts and special offers available to Rotary club members through our member benefit program. We're planning exciting offers to enhance your membership so check back often to see what's new!
To see how easy it is, click here!
RI Launches 'Rotary Global Rewards'
Ben Bauer
2015-07-13 05:00:00Z |
7/30/15 Program - Pathway Partners
Beth Albee and Mikala Critelli shared a great program about Pathway Partners. Pathway Partners' mission is to expose high school students to nurturing relationships with caring adults and to the diversity of opportunities and experiences in our community. These experiences, having guided academic and personal development, will enhance students’ life skills and enable them to make successful transitions to post high school education and employment. The program is free of charge to all participants. For more info, visit www.marshfield.k12.wi.us/schools/high/pathwaypartners.cfm
7/30/15 Program - Pathway Partners
Ben Bauer
2015-07-09 05:00:00Z |
Leadership Marshfield Scholarship

MACCI is now accepting applications for Leadership Marshfield. Sunrise Rotary provides a scholarship for one of our members to go through this great program. If you are interested to please contact Sara Schueller and she will provide you with both the scholarship application and the Leadership Marshfield application.
Leadership Marshfield Scholarship
Ben Bauer
2015-06-29 05:00:00Z |
Passing of the Gavel - June 25, 2015
The Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club celebrated it’s annual Passing of the Gavel ceremony on Thursday. Roxie Wetterau (President 2014-2015) passed leadership of the club on to Ben Bauer (President 2015-2016). Roxie thanked the club for an awesome year as well as recognized club leadership for their year of service. Ben took the gavel and closed the meeting by introducing the new Board of Directors and shared some goals for his upcoming presidential year.
Passing of the Gavel - June 25, 2015
Ben Bauer
2015-06-25 05:00:00Z |
Out With the Old, In With the New
Our annual Passing of the Gavel Ceremony will be held this Thursday morning at 7:00. Join us as we welcome in the new officers and directors and say “thank you” to those Sunrise Rotarians who have made 2014-2015 an awesome year!
Out With the Old, In With the New
2015-06-23 05:00:00Z |
June 18 Program
Liz Welter’s presentation on “What’s New at the News-Herald?” revealed some exciting changes. Liz, a veteran Marshfield News-Herald reporter, is now serving as the children and families reporter for Gannett Central Wisconsin Media. Comprised of Marshfield, Wausau, Stevens Point and Wisconsin Rapids newspapers, this Central Wisconsin group recently announced their Newsroom of the Future strategy and launched a new structure with a great team of journalists. In her new role Liz will be “exploring ways we can raise great kids, build better families and overcome common household challenges.”
June 18 Program
2015-06-23 05:00:00Z |
Rotary International District 6250 - Video Newsletter
District Governor Dave Warren shares some thought about Rotary Fellowship in his final video newsletter. He also shares some of his favorite moments in film.
Rotary International District 6250 - Video Newsletter
2015-06-16 05:00:00Z |
New Sunrise Rotarians
Cheryl Heiman, Jessica Frahm, Sheryl Hiles and Jamie Siorek have been approved for membership to Marshfield Sunrise Rotary. Please help welcome them to our club! Thank you to all who proposed these new members.
New Sunrise Rotarians
2015-06-16 05:00:00Z |
Chaparrals Baseball Social
Chaparrals Baseball Social
Ben Bauer
2015-06-08 05:00:00Z |
World Affairs Seminar Luncheon
Dear Rotarians,
You are invited to a special World Affairs Seminar Rotary meeting Thursday, June 25th at Carroll University. Join us for lunch *(You'll eat the same food the Delegates get, with lots of choices); see and hear first hand how your delegates are doing - then stick around for "Capstone Presentations" in the afternoon. If you need a make-up, we'll take care of the paperwork. Cost is only $12.00 per person, payable at the door.
11:30 - 12:30 Arrival,sign in, dine, greet student delegates
12:30 - 1:15 Call to Order - Mike Slawny, WAS Chair
Pledge of Allegiance
4-Way Test
Introductions - Tom Plantenberg
WAS 2015 - David Howell
Instructions to attend Capstone Presentations
Thank you and Adjournment
1:30 - 4:30 Capstone Presentations
PLEASE e-mail Kathy Herrewig kathyh@worldaffairsseminar.org with your RSVP so we can have enough seating available for all. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.
Thank you!
Thomas M. Plantenberg, Executive Director
World Affairs Seminar
World Affairs Seminar Luncheon
2015-06-08 05:00:00Z |
Jackpot Winnings Donated to Sunrise Rotary
You may recall the record jackpot of $673, which was won by Raj Singh. Last month Raj donated his entire winnings back to the club! The funds will be going with Mike Murrell on his next trip to India, where Mike makes an annual pilgrimage and donates his time and skills to provide dental care for those people who would not get it otherwise. Most of us are aware of Mike's good works in India, and the funds that Raj donated back to Rotary will go to a good and worthwhile cause. Thank you, Raj, for your generosity!
Jackpot Winnings Donated to Sunrise Rotary
2015-05-26 05:00:00Z |
Help Nepal
The Rotary District 6250 Charitable Trust has set up a fund to help those in Nepal that were struck by a devastating 6.7 earthquake on April 26, 2015. To add to the devastation, aftershocks and another huge 7.3 earthquake hit on May 12, 2015. To help the relief efforts, let's join as Rotarians and assist these people in getting this beautiful area of the world back on their feet.
Contributions are tax deductible, to donate please visit:
Help Nepal
2015-05-26 05:00:00Z |
District 6250 RYLA a Success!
Posted by Ben Bauer
The RYLA weekend has come and gone and another successful, life changing event is in the books.
District 6250 RYLA a Success!
Ben Bauer
2015-05-12 00:00:00Z |
May 7 Program
Adam Hocking, editor of the Hub City Times, presented last week. The Hub City Times covers news, events and sports in the city of Marshfield and the immediate surrounding communities. This free weekly publication can be found inside the Marshfield Buyers’ Guide or online. If you have news to share, email Adam.
May 7 Program
2015-05-12 00:00:00Z |
Membership Month
April is Membership Month! Feel free to invite friends, co-workers, significant others, or anyone at all to any (or all) of the Club Meetings in April. It's our opportunity to show potential members what Marshfield Sunrise Rotary is all about!
Membership Month
2015-03-31 00:00:00Z |
10 Things I Learned at PETS (President Elect Training Seminar)
Posted by Ben Bauer on Mar 09, 2015
10 of the many things I learned at PETS...
10 Things I Learned at PETS (President Elect Training Seminar)
Ben Bauer
2015-03-10 00:00:00Z |
Rotary's Got Talent!
The sergeant-at-arms theme for March is "Rotary's Got Talent!!" Perhaps you sing, dance, read poetry, speak in a foreign language, or ride a unicycle? Let Shari, Teri or Darrin know what your talent is and which week you want to perform. Light Up Rotary with your talent!
Rotary's Got Talent!
2015-03-09 00:00:00Z |
Sunrise Rotary serving at St. Vincent De Paul
St. Vincent De Paul Fellowship Meals are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5:00 pm at the Fellowship Hall located at 169 N Central Avenue. Sunrise Rotary is scheduled to serve on the following dates:
- Friday, July 17
- Friday, October 23
- Friday, December 4
Sunrise Rotary serving at St. Vincent De Paul
Roxanne Wetterau
2015-01-13 00:00:00Z |
Message from Bulgaria
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Dec 09, 2014
Hello dear friends,
My name is Tony Bozadzhiev and I am the current president of Rotary club Gotse Delchev. Let me first offer my cordial greetings, and on behalf of the club, congratulate you on your holiday Thanks giving. I would also like to share my gratitude for your generosity towards the children from the orphanage.
It is in our agenda to organise an event for them for Christmas.
This week we held the awards for the essay competition that was organised for the 1st November. On this day we celebrate the Day of the enlighteners. This is the day when we give appreciation to the enlighteners and teachers of our past. The competition we announced caused unexpected and surprising interest. The participants – between the ages of 7 and 18, had to prepare an essay on the topic ‘Who are the enlighteners of today?’
We are now focusing on our next event- our annual Christmas charity ball, when we raise money for a pre-determined cause. This year we will donate the money for two devices, which will assist in the rehabilitation process of the children suffering from cerebral paralysis in Gotse Delchev and the area. Our goal is to raise as much money as possible.
I am very much impressed by your rose sale project. Please provide me with more details for this it. I intend to realise something similar for Saint Valentine’s Day- Oh yes, we do celebrate that, too. :)
Once again, Happy Holidays and may God bless you and support your every endeavour.
I hope you would not mind continuing the communication between the two clubs in the future.
Your friend in Rotary,
Tony Bozadzhiev
Message from Bulgaria
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-12-10 00:00:00Z |
RWW Update
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Dec 08, 2014
Rotary Winter Wonderland enjoyed spectacular attendance and donations last weekend. This was the third largest weekend collection in the event’s history. To date, guests have donated 14,500 cans of food and $13,000. Food donations are 35% higher than the same point a year ago. Cash donations are up 23% over the prior year. Be sure to like Marshfield Rotary Winter Wonderland on Facebook for the latest RWW happenings.
RWW Update
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-12-09 00:00:00Z |
Summer Youth Exchange Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Dec 08, 2014
Rotary Short Term Exchange presents opportunities for students to advance their knowledge and world understanding by allowing them to briefly live in a different country. The Rotary STEP (short term exchange program) is a family to family summer exchange program. After a match is established with an international family, the two students will spend one month at each other's home in the coming summer, with the exact dates determined by the two families.
This program is open to students, age 15-19, living in Rotary District 6250 (western and southern Wisconsin; southeast Minnesota) of good character who desire to live abroad and host in return. Candidates should be adaptable, mature and want to experience life in other countries and cultures. Children of Rotarians and non-Rotarians are equally eligible.
Summer Youth Exchange Program
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-12-09 00:00:00Z |
Rotary Proposed Enactments
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Nov 30, 2014
Every three years the Council on Legislation meets to deal with legislative proposals called enactments that have the potential to determine how our organization conducts its affairs. If the proposed enactments receive a favorable vote from the 530 representatives, it will find its way into the Manual of Procedure, the governing document of Rotary.
Linked here are the four enactments that are being proposed by clubs within District 6250. New language in the proposals is underlined. Language being deleted in lined through.
The Rotary Club of Marshfield Sunrise will vote on the proposed enactments on Thursday, December 11.
Our district officers and the district representative to the 2016 Council on Legislation are neutral on these enactments but are proactive in this process which allows constituent clubs to help direct the governance of Rotary International. Please, treat this exercise with all of the respect that it merits. Our club’s vote is important and really does matter!
Rotary Proposed Enactments
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-12-01 00:00:00Z |
Membership Summit 2014!
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Oct 12, 2014
A Membership Event for Rotarians in District 6250 – November 1st, 2014
It’s a fun-filled event for all Rotarians who are interested in the topic of membership!
We know that in North American we need to work on our ability to attract and engage members in our organization. The biggest question clubs have is, “how do we do this?”
The membership summit will allow Rotarians to exchange ideas with their peers, interact with engaging content and walk away with some new tools and tactics! Oh, and it’ll be fun too!
Click Here for More Information and Registration
Membership Summit 2014!
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-10-13 00:00:00Z |
Community Electronics Recycling Event
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Sep 22, 2014
The Noon Club is partnering with ODC to sponsor an electronics recycling event Sept. 27 & 28 at Hiller’s Hardware. The attached flyer tells you all about it. This is a great chance to unburden yourself of that hard-to-throw-away electronic stuff and to help ODC, too. So mark Sept. 27 & 28 on your calendars.
Community Electronics Recycling Event
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-09-23 00:00:00Z |
District Governor's Message
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Sep 08, 2014

September is New Generations month when we celebrate all the ways Rotary can help develop young leaders. Through clubs like Interact and Rotaract and programs like Youth Exchange and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), young people are able to strengthen their leadership skills, serve their communities, increase their world understanding and build lasting friendships.
We are fortunate to have many successful examples of these clubs and programs throughout our district and leaders willing to share relevant information on how your club can increase their participation in these areas too. Please refer to our district website or contact me for additional information.
Over the years, my family has participated in many levels of New Generations services from hosting several exchange students to last year sending our own daughter on a short term youth exchange. My wife Lori is a member of the Madison After Hours Club and also the Interact advisor at the school where she teaches and we have both participated in RYLA the past two years. We’ve learned these opportunities are not only beneficial to the participants but have been real gifts to us as well.
In this month’s video address I share some thoughts about the benefits these programs offer to the youngest members in the family of Rotary. Some of you may notice the duration of this film appears to have exceeded my self-imposed five minute limit. This is due to the addition of a commercial message. Please feel free to fast forward through this segment if you wish. Thanks for watching and sharing with your Rotary club and friends.

Dave Warren
District Governor 2014-2015
Rotary District 6250
District Governor's Message
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-09-09 00:00:00Z |
Membership Summit 2014!
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Aug 14, 2014
A Membership Event for Rotarians in District 6250 - November 1st, 2014
It’s a fun-filled event for all Rotarians who are interested in the topic of membership! We know that in North American we need to work on our ability to attract and engage members in our organization. The biggest question clubs have is, “how do we do this?” The membership summit will allow Rotarians to exchange ideas with their peers, interact with engaging content and walk away with some new tools and tactics! Oh, and it’ll be fun too!
This isn’t your normal Rotary meeting; it’s going to be a fun filled afternoon with engaging content that will have you and your peers participating in activities and discussion.
Click Here for More Information and Registration
Membership Summit 2014!
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-08-15 00:00:00Z |
Samaritan House
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Aug 06, 2014
Marshfield Sunrise Rotary is scheduled to serve the Samaritan House meal on Friday, August 15. Please note that due to a scheduling conflict, this meal will be served in the Immanuel Lutheran School Gym rather than the church. Refer to the email from Darrin Braun dated Tuesday, August 5, or contact Darrin for more information.
Samaritan House
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-08-07 00:00:00Z |
District Governor's Visit
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Jul 31, 2014

When District 6250 Governor Dave Warren makes his official visit to our club on August 7, he is the program. The regular club activities such good news, announcements, etc., will go on as normal but ask the Sergeants-at-arms to please be brief. We want to ensure 25-30 minutes for Dave to speak, which will allow time for his comments and some questions. He may not need all of the time, but we do not want to cut him short either.
It is important to observe proper etiquette toward the District Governor. When he is introduced, all in attendance should stand while clapping. The same applies to the end of his talk once the president thanks him.
Reminder to the Board of Directors: Dave will be meeting with us after the regular meeting. Please allow 45 minutes to one hour for this special Board meeting. Thank you!
District Governor's Visit
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-08-01 00:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6250 Monthly Newsletter
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Jul 21, 2014
Rotary District 6250 Monthly Newsletter
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-07-22 00:00:00Z |
Young Professionals Summitt
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Jul 17, 2014
The Young Professionals Campaign (YPC) is excited to announce the opportunity to participate in a unique Rotary event–the Young Professionals Summit.
We know that young Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Rotary alumni are already leaders in their communities. They take action, energize their clubs, and are catalysts for change. The Young Professionals Summit gives 30 of these leaders the chance to share their thoughts, reflect on their stories, and exchange ideas. Through a facilitated discussion called Appreciative Inquiry, we’ll discover what’s working now, identify solutions to challenges, and amplify our positive experiences so that even more young professionals can discover Rotary.
We’re looking for people who are……..
- Young professionals between the ages of 25-40 (or who have shown an extraordinary personal commitment to engaging this group through Rotary)
- Able to attend the Young Professionals Summit on 26-27 September in Chicago, Illinois
- Enthusiastic about the positive experiences they’ve had in Rotary and what Rotary can offer others
- Honest about others’ perceptions of Rotary, Rotary’s ability to attract young professionals, and our common challenges
- Committed to creating a more engaging Rotary environment at the club, district, or regional level
- Willing to be interviewed, photographed, and featured for our Young Professionals materials
- Able to complete this application and video submission by 4 August 2014
- Able to respond to Rotary’s emails, questions, and deadlines promptly--before and after the summit
Interested? Fill out this application today, or forward this information to someone who would be a great fit for this opportunity.
Young Professionals Summitt
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-07-18 00:00:00Z |
Passing of the Gavel
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Jul 10, 2014
On July 10 Amber Kiggens-Leifheit passed the Gavel to incoming President Roxie Wetterau.

Amber will remain on the Board as Past President. Appointed to the board are Ben Bauer as President Elect, Harry Borgman as Treasurer, Carol Willfahrt as Secretary, and Jerry Cleveland as At-Large Director. Avenue Directors include Ben Bauer and Pat Gall, Club Avenue; Darrin Braun, Community Avenue; Jane Wagner and Susan Eaton, International Avenue; and Sara Bloczynski, Vocational Avenue. Erik Borreson and Bob Trussoni were also appointed as Membership and Foundation Directors, respectively. New Sergeants-at-Arms are Teri Wilczek, Sheri Meissner and Darrin Braun. Departing board members are Shari Tieman and David Bluhm, as well as departing Sergeants-at-Arms are Erik Borreson and Ken Forrest. Outgoing officers and directors, as well as all past Sunrise Rotary Presidents, were recognized and thanked for their service to the club, and incoming officers and directors were installed.
2013-2014 new club members, Darrin Braun, Becky Heubner-Leu, Joe Humphrey, Houng McLean, and Matthew Muenster, were recognized. In Roxie’s incoming presidential message she shared her goal of increasing club membership from 60 to 65 in the 2014-2015 Rotary year.
Other recognition included Sunrise Rotary’s 43 Paul Harris Fellows. It was noted that 72% of our club members are Paul Harris Fellows! Can we get to 100%?
Club members were also recognized for their years of perfect attendance as follows:
1 – Ben Bauer, Pat Gall, Darla Leick, Amber Kiggens-Leifheit, Carol Willfahrt
3 – Sara Bloczynski, Harry Borgman, Steve Fuerlinger
5 – Dan Knoeck, Jerry Cleveland
6 – Phil Phillips, Jane Wagner
8 – Erik Borreson
9 – Dale Smith
11 – Darla Leick, Shannon Nienast
12 – Laurel Peterson
13 – Margy Frey
14 – Bob Trussoni
15 – John Wing, Jackie Zoellner
20 – Bob Dux
37 – Tom Wepfer
Amber shared that it was an honor to serve as Marshfield Rotary Sunrise Club President and thanked al Rotarians for “pitching in” to help. Roxie announced the 2014-2015 Rotary year theme of Light Up Rotary and encouraged members to continue to fight against polio and declared that “with the current momentum Rotary is on track to achieve full polio eradication by 2018.”
Passing of the Gavel concluded with the introduction of the 2014-2015 Sergeant-at-Arms team – Teri, Sheri and Darrin – who will help achieve the recently added 5th component of the Four-Way Test, “Is it FUN?”
Passing of the Gavel
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-07-11 00:00:00Z |
Light Up Rotary
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Jul 09, 2014
Happy New "Rotary" Year! Rotary International President, Gary Huang, chose Light Up Rotary as his theme for 2014-2015.
When I first heard the theme I was quite excited, thinking that we could really have some fun with this. After all, we have a pyromaniac (Jerry Cleveland) in the club, and wouldn’t it be cool to set off fireworks as the theme is introduced to the club? But of course, our meeting venue doesn’t permit it. Instead, I’ve chosen to share this short video clip of President Huang introducing the theme and explaining what Light Up Rotary means to him.
President Huang absolutely got it right: “It is better to light a single candle, than to sit and curse the darkness.”
How do we light that candle in our club? Or, have we already done it?
Light Up Rotary
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-07-10 00:00:00Z |
Rotary Chaparrals Tailgate Social
Posted by Benjamin Bauer on May 14, 2014
Please join us for a night of food, fellowship and fun with the Marshfield Chaparrals.
Wednesday, June 18th at 6:00pm. (Rain Date of Wednesday, June 25th)
Tailgating will start at 6:00pm and the baseball game starts at 7:30pm
We have a section along the 3rd base line, right next to the Chaps dugout where we will have food, tailgate games and a few raffles throughout the night. Beverages can be purchased at the concession stand.
This is a family and friend event! This invitation will be extended to members of both Rotary clubs in Marshfield, but please bring your spouses, children and friends.
We will be reaching out to club members to help with side dishes and desserts.
To get an accurate count for food, please RSVP to either Pat or myself at the below contact information, and let us know how many in your party will be attending. Also feel free to contact us with any questions.
Ben Bauer: benb@premierprintinginc.com
Pat Gall: pat@retirementwealthsolutions.com
Rotary Chaparrals Tailgate Social
Benjamin Bauer
2014-05-15 00:00:00Z |
Welcome New Rotarians!
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Mar 05, 2014
Marshfield Sunrise Rotary inducted three new members on March 6. Welcome Darrin, Joe and Huong, and thank you to our members who have been busy recruiting!

Welcome New Rotarians!
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-03-06 00:00:00Z |
Help needed at Xtreme Xploration
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Jan 26, 2014
In an effort to help local high school students prepare for the world of work, please consider participating in the 5th annual Xtreme Xploration event.
Xtreme Xploration is set for Tuesday, February 11th at UW-Marshfield/ Wood County (snow date is February 13).
Approximately 300 students from Marshfield High School and Columbus Catholic High School will be in attendance. Students will bring a polished resume and participate in an interview with a business professional, attend a resource fair, discuss business ethics, and learn about post-secondary education opportunities.
We are looking for volunteers to interview the students. As an Xtreme Xploration interviewer your time commitment would be minimal, and we will provide sample interview questions.
There will be morning and afternoon interview sessions: Approximately 8:15 – 10:15 am, or 12:15 – 2:15 pm. You could sign up for either or both of these sessions. Thank you to those of you that have assisted with this portion of the event in the past (or have already contacted us for this year); we greatly appreciate your involvement.
For further details or to sign up to assist with Xtreme Xploration, please contact:
Karen Olson, 384-3454, karenolson@marshfieldchamber.com OR
Jennifer Fredrick, 715-387-8464 ext. 4376, fredrickj@marshfield.k12.wi.us
Help needed at Xtreme Xploration
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-01-27 00:00:00Z |
Marshfield Cultural Fair
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau on Jan 26, 2014
Sunrise Rotarians are needed to hand out Passports at the upcoming Marshfield Cultural Fair. The Fair will be Saturday, February 22nd, at the UW-Marshfield campus. Volunteers will work a two-hour shift distributing Passports to all the children attending and sharing with them how to collect stickers/stamps from all around the world!
It's a fun event, and you'll have plenty of time to enjoy the entertainment and wonderful food before or after your shift. Two Sunrise Rotarians are needed for each shift: 10AM-Noon OR 12PM-2PM OR 2PM-4PM
If you're available to help, please contact Jackie Zoellner (715.387.9585)
Marshfield Cultural Fair
Roxanne Wetterau
2014-01-27 00:00:00Z |
2013 Rose Sale
Posted by Benjamin Bauer on Sep 25, 2013

The 2013 Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Rose Sale is underway! We'll be selling roses through November 7th. Sunrise Rotarians will be out and about selling beautiful roses for $20 per dozen. Roses are great for anyone, including spouses, significant others, friends, coworkers or anyone that likes to have beautiful roses in their home or workplace. Delivery of the roses will be on Thursday November 21st and can be delivered anywhere in the Marshfield city limits. If you'd like to have roses delivered to one of the surrounding communities (for example, Spencer, Pittsville, Auburndale...etc.), just ask your Sunrise Rotarian and we'll accomodate if possible.
For more information, contact any Sunrise Rotarian, or email: benb@premierprintinginc.com
2013 Rose Sale
Benjamin Bauer
2013-09-26 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Jerry Cleveland on Sep 18, 2013
Rotary launched a totally re-engineered website earlier this month. Click here for access to an overview of the new site. Click Here
Jerry Cleveland
2013-09-19 00:00:00Z |
Home Delivered Meals Schedule
Posted by Erik Borreson on Sep 13, 2013
6/8 Mary Trecihel
6/15 Tammy Meissner
6/22 Susan Eaton
6/29 Harry Borgman
7/6 Raj Singh
7/13 Erik Borreson
7/20 Steve Fuerlinger
7/27 Gary Ruegsegger
8/3 Bob Trussoni
8/10 Erik Borreson
8/17 Frank Baltus
8/24 Michelle Boernke
8/31 Laurel Peterson
9/7 Bob Dux
9/14 Jerry Cleveland
9/21 Phil Phillips
9/28 Ken Forrest
10/5 Darla Leick
10/12 Dan Knoeck
10/19 John Wing
10/26 Paul Sweningson
11/2 Mary Treichel
11/9 Roxie Wetterau
11/16 Dave Krause
11/23 Marsha Barwick
11/30 Marty Anderson
12/7 Sheri Meissner
12/14 Mike Murrell
12/21 Jenny King
12/28 Shannon Nienast
1/4 Jerry Cleveland
1/11 Brooke Anderson
Home Delivered Meals Schedule
Erik Borreson
2013-09-14 00:00:00Z |
RYLA update
Posted by Benjamin Bauer on Jul 11, 2013
Ben Bauer provided our program this morning on RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Award. RYLA emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal growth, and aims to:
- Demonstrate Rotary's respect and concern for youth
- Provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders
- Encourage leadership of youth by youth
- Recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities
The camp is now located in the Dells. A participant from last year attended our meeting and told us all what a wonderful experience she had at the camp.
Ben has been involved as a Rotary leader at the camp for many years. Attendance at the camp is growing and more Rotary volunteers will be needed in the future.
Thank you Ben for an interesting program!
RYLA update
Benjamin Bauer
2013-07-11 10:24:33Z |
Passing of the Gavel
Posted by Amber Kiggens-Leifheit on Jun 30, 2013
This morning, 6/27/2013, Erik Borreson, President passed the Gavel to incoming President Amber Leifheit.
Erik will remain on the Board as Past President. Appointed to the board are Roxie Wettereau as President Elect, Harry Borgman as Treasurer, Carol Wilfahrt as Secretary, and Jerry Cleveland as At-Large Director. New Sargent-at Arms are Ken Forrest and Erik Borreson. Club Avenue Directors are Ben Bauer and Pat Gall. Vocational Avenue Directors are Sara Bloczynski and Shari Tieman. Community Avenue Directors are Pam Rosterman and David Bluhm. International Avenue Directors are Jane Wagner and Susan Eaton. Departing board members are Sheri Dick, Kristi Yeager, Mike Murrell, Tom Wepfer, and Phil Phillips. Departing Sargent-at-Arms are Steve Fuerlinger and Dan Knoeck.
Jennifer King was recognized as a new member.
Amber Leifheit, Jerry Cleveland, and Paul Sweningson received their Paul Harris.
“It was an honor to serve as Marshfield Rotary Sunrise Club President and I want to thank my fellow Rotarians for giving their energy and help make our club successful,” said Borreson. Borreson said, “he learned a lot about himself and leadership during the past year. I am pleased to pass on the duties as President to Amber. She exemplifies our motto of service above self and will continue to lead our club in the right direction.” Leifheit thanked Borreson for his service and for improving communication amongst members. Amber announced the theme for 2013-2014 Rotary Year as Engage Rotary, Save Lives.
No meeting 7/4. Happy Fourth of July!
Next meeting 7/11/2013
Board meeting 7/9/2013
Passing of the Gavel
Amber Kiggens-Leifheit
2013-07-01 00:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6250 responds to the Moore, Oklahoma tornado
Posted by Erik Borreson on May 22, 2013
We are all aware of the tornado that swept through Moore, Oklahoma last week. Rotarians are responding to the tragedy. If anyone in your club is interested, they may make a tax deductable contribution payable to The District 6250 Charitable Trust, which was set up for situations such as this. Send your checks to The Rotary District 6250 Charitable Trust c/o Bob Trussoni, 907 Martin Drive, Marshfield, WI 54449. Please put in the memo section of your check “Moore Tornado Relief fund”.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Rob Stroud
Rotary District 6250 responds to the Moore, Oklahoma tornado
Erik Borreson
2013-05-23 00:00:00Z |
Orphanage Communication Update
Posted by Jane Wagner on May 21, 2013
Rotarians who have been communicating with children in Bulgaria are invited to write a message in a greeting card that Tim Coen, Mike Murrell and Jane Wagner will deliver to the children in the orphanage. Please give the cards to Jane prior to May 10th. The children will be happy to hear from you. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
Orphanage Communication Update
Jane Wagner
2013-05-22 00:00:00Z |
Message from Bulgaria
Posted by Mike Murrell on May 20, 2013
There really are no words to explain what is happening. We are overwhelmed with hospitality and sincere and caring and energetic people. We love Rotary even more. The Goltse Delchev club does want to partner with us and they are top-notch. The orphanage will involve many tears when we leave as the relationships have become close in only 3 days. We wish you were all here.
Yours in Rotary.
Mike, Tim, & Jane
Message from Bulgaria
Mike Murrell
2013-05-21 00:00:00Z |
Sunrise Rotary Adds 19 Paul Harris Awards
Posted by Bob Trussoni on May 14, 2013
We had fantastic club participation on the Rotary Foundation drive during the last half of April following a great club presentation on the Foundation from Joe Ruskey. Twenty five members participated contributing a total of $4954. Incentive club points were transferred in the amount of 9238 as matching points and an addition 2480 points were transferred from Bob Trussoni. This resulted in 19 Paul Harris awards, six of which were to first time participants as a Paul Harris Fellow. With these funds, our club is now at 173% of our annual goal with an avergae giving per member of $190.82. We have 1 1/2 month left to the end of the Rotary year so we should look even better by then. Congratulations to the club on this outstanding performance. We Rotarians will now be able to do even more good in the world because of such generous people.
Sunrise Rotary Adds 19 Paul Harris Awards
Bob Trussoni
2013-05-15 00:00:00Z |
2013-14 Scholarship News
Posted by Erik Borreson on May 14, 2013
Marshfield Sunrise Rotary’s Vocational Avenue of Service recently awarded scholarships to students pursuing post-secondary education in the 2013-14 academic year.
Service Above Self Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors who demonstrates Rotary International’s objective of service above self. The recipients must display honesty, dependability, empathy and integrity through volunteer activities that help others in our community. This year’s recipients of $500 each are Jennifer Kaiser and Lena Law; both graduates of Marshfield High School. Jennifer plans to attend UW - La Crosse as a pre-med student to major in Biology and Psychology with a Spanish minor. Lena, also a pre-med student, will major in Biology at UW – Madison.
Worked-Based Learning Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors who participate in Youth Apprenticeship or Co-op/Internship programs or who are currently employed in an industry related to the student’s future field of interest. Two Marshfield High School graduates, Ashley Kuhlka and Kate Schumitsch, are this year’s recipients of $500 each. Ashley will start her post-secondary education at UW – Marshfield/Wood County as a nursing major, and Kate plans to major in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.
Marshfield Sunrise Rotary also offers a $1000 scholarship for an adult age 25+ to continue their education. While there are a number of criteria for the selection of this scholarship, the primary focus is based on financial need, service to community and educational merit. Brittany Lueth, Interim Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at UW – Marshfield/Wood County, is this year’s recipient. Brittany, a Marshfield resident and recent graduate of Leadership Marshfield, is pursuing her Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership at Bethel University.
2013-14 Scholarship News
Erik Borreson
2013-05-15 00:00:00Z |
Spirit of Ojibwa 2012 award
Posted by Erik Borreson on May 07, 2013
Congratulations to the Rotary Clubs of Marshfield and to Roy and Ben Lee for being the recipients of the Spirit of Ojibwa 2012 award. Ben and Roy attended the Ojibwa Council Boy Scout annual meeting in Athens, WI to receive the award. The award is presented to a person or organization that supports the Boy Scout mission of helping the community. What a great honor to receive and what a great community partner we have with the Ojibwa Council Boy ScoutOjibwa Council Boy Scouts!
Spirit of Ojibwa 2012 award
Erik Borreson
2013-05-08 00:00:00Z |
2013 MACCI Firm of the Year
Posted by Erik Borreson on Apr 24, 2013
Congratulations to Ministry Home Care and our fellow Sunrise Rotarian Jerry Clevelend.. They were awarded the 2013 Ministry Home Care Firm of the Year.
2013 MACCI Firm of the Year
Erik Borreson
2013-04-24 15:26:24Z |
May 9 Meeting
Posted by Erik Borreson on Apr 22, 2013
On May 9, Erik will be going over the new website and Club Runner. There is a lot of wrong and missing information in Club Runner in people's profiles. Please feel free to update and add to your profiles before the meeting. Otherwise members are encouraged to bring their laptops, tablets, etc. on the meeting date and we will walk through
May 9 Meeting
Erik Borreson
2013-04-23 00:00:00Z |
The Gift of Light ebook
Posted by Erik Borreson on Apr 11, 2013
"The Gift of Light" ebook by Erik Borreson is available for iOS devices. It is a children's book about friendship, loving and loss. All profits go to the Rotary Foundation.
The Gift of Light ebook
Erik Borreson
2013-04-11 23:24:13Z |
Leadership Marshfield
Posted by Erik Borreson on Apr 10, 2013
Congratulations to Sunrise Rotarians Sara Bloczynski, Jennifer Shermo and Debbie Appleyard (fiancee of member Ken Forrest) who graduated from Leadership Marshfield on April 11. Great job!
Leadership Marshfield
Erik Borreson
2013-04-11 00:00:00Z |
Join Rotary Districts 6220, 6250 and 6270 as we celebrate 100 years of service. All district conferences are worthwhile but with three great districts working together, this one will be truly unforgettable!
The conference begins on Friday, May 15 with a breakfast at 8 am and district business meetings at 9:30 am. Excellent speakers and opportunities to celebrate, dialogue and learn will fill the balance of Friday and Saturday with a final breakfast and speaker bringing the event to a close on Sunday morning.
Registration is available on the District 6250 website or directly at http://goo.gl/qrdKu9

Roxanne Wetterau
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Join Rotary Districts 6220, 6250 and 6270 as they celebrate 100 years of service. All district conferences are worthwhile but with three great districts working together, this one will be truly unforgettable!

The conference begins on Friday, May 15 with a breakfast at 8 am and district business meetings at 9:30 am. Excellent speakers and opportunities to celebrate, dialogue and learn will fill the balance of Friday and Saturday with a final breakfast and speaker bringing the event to a close on Sunday morning.
Discounted online early registration is available now on your district's website or directly at http://goo.gl/qrdKu9
Roxanne Wetterau
January 29 Program

Marshfield Curling Club members Jake Roberts and Dean Markwardt presented on “Curling in Marshfield.” In a humorous yet informative way, they shared facts about the sport, equipment used, and their club’s activities and bonspiels. Located in the Fairgrounds, the Marshfield Curling Club welcomes new members.
January 29 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
January 22 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Seehafer Acres Inc.

Ken and Karen Seehafer own and operate a third generation farm that was started by Ken’s grandparents, Elmer and Alma Seehafer. The 900-acre farm, home to 280 cows, hosted Farm Tech Days in 2011 where approximately 60,000 people attended. Seehafer Farm Creamery, a specialty grocery store and ice cream parlor located on State Highway 97 outside Marshfield, was opened last August. The Seehafers process their own milk right from the farm which is available by the gallon in the creamery.
January 22 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
January 15 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Deb Delie, a puppy trainer for Leader Dogs for the Blind, along with, Hershey, the black lab pup she is currently training, visited Marshfield Sunrise Rotary. Deb explained the training program, currently funded by the Marshfield Lions Club, and how it benefits the Leader Dogs program.

Also visiting on January 15 was Ashley Zimmermann, a former Rotary Exchange Student. Currently a student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Ashley is involved with Together We Rise, a program benefiting foster children. This organization is currently raising funds to provide bikes for children in foster care. For more information email Ashley or visit the fundraiser website.
January 15 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
Rotary Awareness Month
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau

January is Rotary Awareness Month and it’s a time to think about sharing Rotary with the world.
This 'Why Rotary' video is designed to capture the essence of Rotary, to promote awareness of Rotary, and to be used for a prospect who wants to know more about Rotary. Share it with your friends and potential members.
Rotary Awareness Month
Roxanne Wetterau
Holiday FUN!
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Holiday FUN!
Roxanne Wetterau
Samaritan House
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Marshfield Sunrise Rotary served at the Samaritan House on December 12. These guys are making it FUN! Thank you everyone who helped out!

Samaritan House
Roxanne Wetterau
RWW on Channel 7
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau

WSAW Channel 7 coverage of Rotary Winter Wonderland.
RWW on Channel 7
Roxanne Wetterau
December 4 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Rotary Exchange student Zechariah Kitzhaber sported his Rotary jacket as he presented "A Year in Cancun."

Zechariah is fluent in Spanish and plans to enter the seminary at the Diocese of La Crosse next year. His presentation included a variety of interesting topics including culture, music, food, sports, geography, nature, and ancient ruins. As many Rotary Exchange students will assert, Zechariah proclaimed this experience changed his life.
December 4 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
RWW on Wake Up Wisconsin
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau

WAOW's Wake Up Wisconsin coverage of Rotary Winter Wonderland.
RWW on Wake Up Wisconsin
Roxanne Wetterau
Rotary Winter Wonderland in the news!
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau

Check out this great article in the Marshfield News-Herald about Rotary Winter Wonderland.
Rotary Winter Wonderland in the news!
Roxanne Wetterau
RWW Preview Night
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Thank you to WSAW Channel 7 and WAOW Channel 9 for braving the snow to visit our preview night. Click here for a link to the Channel 7 story.
RWW Preview Night
Roxanne Wetterau
November 13 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Joleen Specht, Hope Lodge Manager, and Maureen Mercier, 2015 Hope Lodge Gala Chairperson (pictured), presented on Hope Lodge and it’s annual fundraising event, Vita Bella Gala. The 2015 Gala will be held Friday, May 15 to benefit the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge in Marshfield.

After 11 years, Marshfield’s facility is still the only Hope Lodge in Wisconsin, which serves as a home away from home, free of charge, for adult cancer patients and their caregiver. ACS Hope Lodge is open 24/7, 365 days, with 3 full time staff, 7 part time employees, and more than 30 regular, active volunteers. In speaking about the volunteerism at Hope Lodge, Joleen stated that they (patients and their families) cannot believe “someone like you cares about someone like them.” Volunteer opportunities are available at Hope Lodge or with the Gala event. For more information contact Joleen at 715-486-9100 or email joleen.specht@cancer.org.
November 13 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
RWW Preview Night November 24
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
RWW Preview Night November 24
Roxanne Wetterau
November 6 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Dr. Iddi Adam, Associate Dean, and Roxie Wetterau, Foundation Director, presented on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Building Project at UW-Marshfield/Wood County. A 2012 case study assessed STEM facility needs and decided that the current facilities are outdated (built in 1964 with few updates since), have health, safety & risk management concerns, and have academic, technology, and capacity limitations. The solution is renovation of the existing 21,000 sq.ft. science building along with an 18,000 sq. ft. STEM addition. The STEM project is important because access to cutting-edge technology is a necessity, 50% of students major in the STEM areas, UW-Eau Claire College of Nursing has a Marshfield site, and local businesses identified STEM education as an essential need.
The STEM capital campaign has a goal of $8 million. The city and county will be asked to contribute $1 million each leaving $6 million to be raised from donors. The “silent” phase of the campaign has begun and 43% of the goal has been pledged with naming rights offered for certain donation levels. Appeals are being made to Wood County businesses and individuals, foundations, emeriti, and alumni. The public phase of the campaign will begin in the spring, with anticipated groundbreaking in spring of 2016. Contact Roxie Wetterau at 715-384-1703 for more information.

November 6 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
October 23 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Joe Ruskey, District 6250 Foundation Chair, visited Marshfield Sunrise last week. He identified opportunities that are available for both District Grants and Global Grants, explained Rotary’s 6 areas of focus, and provided an update on Rotary’s efforts to end Polio by 2018. For questions about grants or other Foundation initiatives, feel free to email Joe.

October 23 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
October 16 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Dr. Mark Borchardt, a Microbiologist with USDA Agriculture Research Service, presented the pros and cons of manure irrigation. He and his colleagues are doing their work at the Marshfield Agricultural Research Station, and expect to complete their report in January 2015.

October 16 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
October 9 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Paula Jero and Amber Kiggens-Leifheit presented on Vital Signs, a summary of the economic and social health of the Marshfield area. The 3rd edition of this publication is a collaborative effort of Marshfield Area United Way, Marshfield Area Community Foundation and the City of Marshfield. Data in this report are presented over multiple years to show the trends that are shaping in the community. This issue provides an updated snapshot of key economic and social indicators over the past 10 years. The Vital Signs report can be viewed online.

October 9 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
October 2 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Karen Rau presented on the Marshfield Area Pet Shelter (MAPS).

Through this foster care program, MAPS has saved the lives of numerous animals and they are now ready to expand services. MAPS has acquired a parcel of land in the Air Business Park on Marshfield’s south side, a beautiful location for them to call home. This facility will provide a temperature controlled environment and allow MAPS to provide veterinary care, spay and neutering, socialization, microchipping and adoption screening for abandoned pets. A shelter for the Marshfield area will allow them to assist other area shelters and will serve as a community resource to promote and increase responsible pet ownership. Visit their website or view their campaign video to learn more.
October 2 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
Chili Social & WisCorps Presentation
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Please join us for a chili social and a presentation by the WisCorps group that will be working on the Marshfield Outdoor Learning Sanctuary the week of October 20-24.
The chili social will take place on Wednesday October 22nd starting at 4:30 pm at the Tiny Tiger Intergenerational Center where we can gather and check out the progress of the project. At 5:30 pm, we'll come inside to warm up with some chili, followed by a presentation by the WisCorps group at approximately 6:15 pm.

Chili Social & WisCorps Presentation
Roxanne Wetterau
2014 Rose Sale
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
The 2014 Sunrise Rotary Rose Sale is in the final stretch!

Important Dates
11/6 Final order totals and money due
11/20 Delivery – Roses will be at Baltus South Side
Goal: Every Rotarian sell 20 dozen; If you choose to sell less than 20 dozen but would like to still contribute, donations can be made at a rate of $13 per dozen
Volunteers are able to help deliver, so even if you have challenges delivering please sell and others will help deliver. Delivery assistance to St. Joseph’s, SHP, Fig and Marshfield Clinic will be available again. Please clearly mark the person’s name, department and department # to make deliveries easier.
Sales Flyers and tracking sheets are available from Ben Bauer. Tracking sheets are marked by location and business again this year to make deliveries easier.
Please turn in money and weekly numbers to Ben Bauer.
As you all know this is our club’s major fundraiser. Please help us continue to fund the projects that are important to us.
Please contact Ben Bauer or Pat Gall with any questions.
Good luck and have fun!!!
2014 Rose Sale
Roxanne Wetterau
District 6250 Awards Grant
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
District 6250 Awards Grant
Roxanne Wetterau
Paul Harris Recognition
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Two Paul Harris Fellows were recognized at Marshfield Sunrise Rotary on September 18: Tom Wepfer (PH+8) and Jan Wepfer (PH+2). Congratulations Tom and Jan, and thank you for your commitment to the programs of The Rotary Foundation!
Paul Harris Recognition
Roxanne Wetterau
September 11 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Brian Kolonick, General Manager Innovation Alliances, and Neil Veloso, Sr. Director Innovation Management, discussed how Cleveland Clinic Innovations, the commercialization arm of Cleveland Clinic, has partnered with Marshfield Clinic Applied Sciences to combine efforts in research, clinical investigation, technology development and commercialization. Cleveland Clinic Innovations turns the breakthrough inventions of Cleveland Clinic employees into patient-benefiting medical products.
September 11 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
End Polio Now
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
This is an easy way to support Polio eradication! This week at the Zone Institute there's a competition between Zones 28 and 29. District 6250 is part of Zone 28, which is in the lead but only by a little. Join us and make a contribution now.
End Polio Now
Roxanne Wetterau
September 4 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Morgan McHugh, MHS senior, and Zechariah Kitzhaber, CCHS senior, shared their World Affairs Seminar experience.

The World Affairs Seminar (WAS) is a unique interactive educational program for high school students. The week-long experience provides an opportunity for international students from a variety of backgrounds to discuss issues in a non-threatening environment. They experience new and different ideas and viewpoints brought forward both by their colleagues and by world renowned experts. In small and large groups students discuss information and ideas and put their new knowledge to use. Through public policy simulations they work through the complex interactions of different countries, corporations and organizations to develop their own policy initiative. Throughout the week students have time for recreational activities which bring greater awareness and understanding of the world around them. Critical thinking, negotiation skills and the process of learning about new friends from around the world are all part of this incredible experience.
Both students thanked Rotary for the opportunity to attend WAS. Megan stated, “World Affairs Seminar changed my life!” Zechariah “felt empowered,” and learned “how we as youth can have an impact on the world.”
September 4 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
August 28 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Virginia Jorstad, Director of Continuing Education at UW-Marshfield/Wood County, was our presenter this week. A lifelong learner and developer and promoter of wellness and education initiatives, Virginia welcomes the opportunity to serve the Marshfield community, its businesses, and students to assist in achieving their continuing education goals. Virginia introduced the Power 9 Principles, nine healthy lifestyle habits that help us live longer, healthier lives. Be sure to check out the fall 2014 Course Catalog for information on upcoming Continuing Education programs on campus.

August 28 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
August 21 Program
Posted by Roxanne Wetterau
Pam Ross, President of Opportunity Development Centers and member of the Wisconsin Rapids Noon Rotary Club, presented an update on their organization. ODC serves almost 600 disabled individuals with employment opportunities in the community and their facilities. Upcoming federal and state policy changes could greatly impact ODC’s employment services. For more information on their services and programs, or to find out how you can get involved, visit their website at www.odcinc.com.

August 21 Program
Roxanne Wetterau
Meet Our District Governor